So I ended up buying this. I find this story to be a mixed bag. Firstly, it is isolated from the core story so it has no context. It stands alone entirely. Some like this, others, not so much. I am among the latter, but that does not bear much impact on the overall tale. There were many moments which echoed the major films. From an Alien popping up out of the floor (as per Hudson's fate), to life-pods frying people (Covenant) upon awaking, to other eye roll inducing cliched moments. Perhaps what bothered me the most were the often caricatured expressions of the characters. That always takes me out of the horror of the moment when the characters look like cartoons or caricatures. The story jumped a lot also, and I often found the characters to be repeating the exact same phrases which was odd. HGK! anyone?
That aside, the story is interesting. Perhaps of all of the Aliens comics ever put out, this was the one that felt the closest to Walt Simonson's Alien: The Illustrated Story which is a good thing. I do like that Dark Horse allowed someone to just run with their own unique take on an Alien story in its entirety. It is a completely singular vision of the author artist and that is cool. I will have to give this book more thought. Perhaps it will grow on me over time.