AvPGalaxy's Fan Dictionary

Started by bov930527, Aug 09, 2012, 02:17:25 PM

AvPGalaxy's Fan Dictionary (Read 35,810 times)

Kel G 426

Kel G 426

The Trilobite is the thing that attacked the Engineer, right?

OmegaZilla, you should update your Wolfctopus pic by putting Wolf's head on the Trilobite.



Yes, but it is Starbeast regardless of what everyone says!

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Kelgaard on Aug 10, 2012, 11:01:23 PM
The Trilobite is the thing that attacked the Engineer, right?

Yep. Oh, and the Black Goo should be on there as well (if its not, already).



Is Stick Man the River Ghost?

Maybe that should be up there too.

This thread is awesome, btw, nice work.



Quote from: Kelgaard on Aug 10, 2012, 11:01:23 PM
OmegaZilla, you should update your Wolfctopus pic by putting Wolf's head on the Trilobite.


The new Beast.



Man, I realy wnt to know where the term "Hammerpede" came from, it's not like it looks like a hammer or a centipede so what's the deal?

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: HUGZZ on Sep 21, 2012, 07:13:13 PM
Man, I realy wnt to know where the term "Hammerpede" came from, it's not like it looks like a hammer or a centipede so what's the deal?

Came from the 'Art of Prometheus' book. I believe the 'hammer' part is because of the hammerhead-esque head, and the 'pede' part because, like a centipede, it looks a bit worm-like.



Name sounds cool, but the 'pede' part makes zero sense. Creature's got no feet -- unless the 'crests' are actually feet. Doesn't seem likely, though. It moves by slithering, and it's not even slug-like.

Best creature in the film anyway.



Quote from: RagingDragon on Sep 20, 2012, 06:10:40 AM
Is Stick Man the River Ghost?

Maybe that should be up there too.

This thread is awesome, btw, nice work.

Thanks, and sorry guys for this taking so much time to update. I've just started my second year in college and admittedly, I 've got a lot less time on my hands than I initially thought I would've. Anyways, I'm making small updates all the time so the dictionary does make progress.



The new alien of the last trailer of Aliens Colonial Marines, the Xeno Boiler. Nice thread, excelent work.



Just wondering, will you put in the alien from colonial marines that's referred to as 'the raven' in the mission of the same name? C:



I'm surprised that for "Pussyface" you didn't state that it's called that by Danny Glover in the origin section. And I'd say it's pretty straight forward why he called it that..

Crusher, Raven, and Boiler need sections.



Quote from: xeno-kaname on Mar 11, 2013, 07:55:50 PM
I'm surprised that for "Pussyface" you didn't state that it's called that by Danny Glover in the origin section. And I'd say it's pretty straight forward why he called it that..

Crusher, Raven, and Boiler need sections.

Did Harrigan really say that in the film? Damn, my memory is getting to me. Better rewatch ye old predator movies soon. As for the A:CM, I will update stuff in the near future.



What about the river ghosts in predators. do people forget them it had its own part when they killed it.
does anyone know what im talking about?



Don't forget "City Hunter" as an alternative to "Pussyface."

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