AvPGalaxy's Favourite Movie

Started by Its Game Time, Apr 11, 2007, 12:57:17 AM

Whats your fave movie out of the whole franchise?

167 (19.5%)
Predator 2
45 (5.3%)
AvP: Alien vs. Predator
29 (3.4%)
AvPR: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem
25 (2.9%)
206 (24.1%)
305 (35.6%)
51 (6%)
Alien Resurrection
8 (0.9%)
12 (1.4%)
3 (0.4%)
Alien: Covenant
4 (0.5%)
The Predator
1 (0.1%)

Total Members Voted: 800

AvPGalaxy's Favourite Movie (Read 195,431 times)


Predator, cause of all the alien and pred movies it was the first one I saw. Aside from that there were the characters- all of whom were cool, the creature- who is the coolest fictional creature ever imagined, not to mention arney.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

The only character I wanted to live was Quinn. I'm like "please don't die please don't die please don't die" *predator swings wristblades* "Dammit".

Oh and Weyland.



i thought quin was going to be safe cause i thought he was fully covered in snow at the time and both celtic and grid just walked passed him, i was like "Kickass, Anderson that's an awesome nod." The Scar killed him and then I was like "Well, you had me there for a sec."

And for the best movie, I would have to say Predator, this movie for me beats all of them by a landslide, maybe not Aliens Predator beats Aliens...barely.



QuoteAlien/predator fan newbies will never understand.........its sad....its just plain sad....

Says the guy condescendingly, who rates AvP a 6 or 7 out of 10....  ::)

Predator Queen

Quote from: SM on Jun 28, 2007, 12:03:28 AM
QuoteAlien/predator fan newbies will never understand.........its sad....its just plain sad....

Says the guy condescendingly, who rates AvP a 6 or 7 out of 10....  ::)
its just your opion it not like it matters anyways


Quote from: White Ookami on Jun 28, 2007, 01:38:30 AM
Quote from: SM on Jun 28, 2007, 12:03:28 AM
QuoteAlien/predator fan newbies will never understand.........its sad....its just plain sad....

Says the guy condescendingly, who rates AvP a 6 or 7 out of 10....  ::)
its just your opion it not like it matters anyways

Nothing can be further than the truth of this fact.





Quote from: SM on Jun 28, 2007, 02:29:08 AM

That no one gives a **** about someones opinion, there is always going to be someone talking trash about someone else's opinion, then the cycle will continue over, and over again.



Which is exactly what she said...

Uncanny Antman

Quote from: SM on Jun 28, 2007, 02:43:08 AM
Which is exactly what she said...

  In your opinion.  ;)



Which does matter, gosh darn it!

Predator Queen

Im glad I helped...I think

Its Game Time

Quote from: SM on Jun 28, 2007, 12:03:28 AM
QuoteAlien/predator fan newbies will never understand.........its sad....its just plain sad....

Says the guy condescendingly, who rates AvP a 6 or 7 out of 10....  ::)

You got a point there, however i rated it a 5. i said it should have been a 6 or 7 but, i changed my mind. It should be a 5.

Jungle Hunter

I would have to say the first predator film it brought the sespense of horror though it had action with a dab of vicious gore.

Predator Queen

Ok i change my mind people ill go with Predator 2 so people can get off my back about avp...

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