Unused content

Started by Trololp, Oct 18, 2021, 08:39:40 AM

Unused content (Read 10,100 times)



This topic made for placing some interesting unused content found or will be found in this game.
You can suggest some hints for what to look for, or you can post something you found.


(Unused controls )



For those who interesting in how do I do that or want to repeat/improve.

If you want it to be loaded not only in multiplayer, if not skip these instructions:
First speargun files located at multiplayer resource folder
location: [Game]/Characters/Multiplayer.asr
Unpack this .asr .pc files with QuickBMS script you will found in archive:

Then you need to locate all files related to this crossbow/speargun.
Those include:
Model itself: Speargun.RSCF
Bolt model: Speargun_bolt.RSCF
Textures: graphics/objects/weapons/spear_gun/...
Sounds: sounds/weapons/predator/crossbow/...
Materials: MARE_chunk/*.MARE
This .MARE file needs to contain only information related to models you need to export
You will find a C program in the archive that will strip the useless info from this file
You need to Compile it :) I will remake it probably. But still, I write it for brave enough people.
Skeleton: HSKN_chunk/Speargun.HSKN and Speargun_bolt.HSKN
Bound volume: HSBB_chunk/Speargun.HSBB and Speargun_bolt.HSBB
Animations: HANM_chunk/ just all HANM files containing "speargun" word.
Sokets: 7343.HMPT and 7353.HMPT
maybe some other files

Then you need to pack all this in order:
just make a folder named "1", "2" etc.
5: graphics
7: sound

Use pack/unpack program you know where it can be found

Now go to *.lst file of mission you wanted to speargun be loaded and edit it, examples lies in the archive
Also rename mission .pc file like that: P06_Pyramid.pc -> P06_Pyramid_.pc

Now all preparations complete:
Use cheat engine before you load a game on AVP_DX11.exe (ver with ASLR disabled.

set breakpoint on address: 0x7BC25D
inside ebp register lies weapon class hash:
Speargun hash is: 0x80C6D6C7
For a predator, press continue until you see ebp = 0x085d304f (this is fireblaster) change it to Speargun hash, and now follow to address
0x7BC2A4, therein eax lies weapon type need to set it to 0xC and continue until game loads.
For human press continue until you see ebp = 0x7c87d718 (this is pistol) change it to Speargun hash

Note: there small amount of ammo so you can change it by following further until reach constructor function and then it will return
inside eax weapon class, follow in dump, then press F5 (continue) it will fill all data it needed.
ammo location is follow: type float (ptr)((ptr)(eax + 0x1C) + 0x0) + 0x10
max ammo location:type float (ptr)((ptr)(eax + 0x1C) + 0x0) + 0x14

Archive: https://mega.nz/file/XBAyHDbL#YoJ2iKu7VjxRZR2BegDr0PuzhlCxSeEZCTw0i4jUsQg



This is interesting! Looking forward to see what else you find.



It's a cool idea. One that I wish ended up getting used as ultimately I think it would've made the Predator in this game more distinct. Like after beating the praetorian this is what the player got instead since the spear is only thrown and never used in melee.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Oh damn, that would be have been really cool to have in the game. Would have given the game another very distinct unique flavour.



In this game exist a character designed for A06_Pyramid (Alien in Pyramid) mission. Mission location was cut from the game.
But there is still exist many things related to this mission. This character is a player class.
As may be many of you already know that in single-player our character evolves while progressing through levels.
So Alien become praetorian (increasing health, changing model).
Predator gets more energy capacity.
And Marine not changing at all.

Internal name: Alien_standing
Basically, it is always in a standing position, it cannot use vents. It has tons of damage and health.

Ability stats:
Alien_Standing (parent: AlienSinglePlayer type: 8 properties_count: 28)
GrappleDifficulties:               None
GrappleSet_Standing:               None
ThirdPerson.Skin.Main:             "characters\firstperson\alien\Alien_hud.ASR"
Melee_LightAttack_IsUnblockable:   True
Melee_LightAttack_Impulse:         300.000000
Melee_Riposte_Impulse:             500.000000
FirstPerson.Skin.Main:             "characters\firstperson\alien\Praetorian_hud.asr"
ThirdPerson.SkinDamaged.Main:      "characters\firstperson\alien\Alien_hud.ASR"
LightAttack_Right_FirstPerson:     "Melee.MeleeAttack_Category.LightAttack_Category.LightAttack_Category_HUD.LightAttack_Category_HUD_Alien.LightAttack_Category_HUD_Alien_Right.LightAttack_category_HUD_Alien_Right_A06")
Melee_TailLash_Damage:             600.000000
Melee_HeavyAttack_Damage:          600.000000
Melee_HeavyAttack_Impulse:         500.000000
HealthRechargeRate:                50.000000
Melee_LightAttack_Damage:          200.000000
Melee_Riposte_Damage:              600.000000
Melee_TailLash_Impulse:            500.000000
PounceAttack01:                    None
Health:                            600.000000
AnimSetFirstPerson:                "AnimState_Alien.HUD"
PounceAttack02:                    None
GrappleSet_Crouched:               None
GrappleSet_Downed:                 None
HeavyAttack_FirstPerson:           "Melee.MeleeAttack_Category.HeavyAttack_Category.HeavyAttack_Category_HUD.HeavyAttack_Category_HUD_Alien.HeavyAttack_Category_HUD_Alien_A06")
PounceAttack03:                    None
Burning.Body.FirstPersonPFX :      "Character\Firstperson\Generic\character_onfire_face_1p_E"
LightAttack_Left_FirstPerson :     "Melee.MeleeAttack_Category.LightAttack_Category.LightAttack_Category_HUD.LightAttack_Category_HUD_Alien.LightAttack_Category_HUD_Alien_Left.LightAttack_category_HUD_Alien_Left_A06")
ForceStanding  :                   True
HealthTimeBeforeRecharge :         5.000000



Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I wonder if we were originally supposed to get a mission as Six after she molts into the Praetorian? The end cutscene does look like we're along the walls of the Pyramid level.



Exist Unused controls for alien and marine (probably for predator too). It is not mapped to any keys and can't be mapped in code it has no link to the keyboard keys. But if modifying the game a little bit keys can be bound to perform these actions.

1. Unused action is "Crouching", mostly not affect on gameplay, like normal crouching in FPS game.

1. Unused action with a tail. This ability makes you move slower.
It doing something with the tail (charging/blocking?).  Animation named "Alien_hud_tail_ready_idle".

2. Alien can spit acid. Shots 5 balls of acid. Those are different from jungle alien acid balls.
They have landing sound, spitting sound is different, and their movement physics differs too.
You can fire up to 50 shots.





I remember them saying they didn't put crouching in because there was no need for it in the game.

I also remember getting shot because I couldn't crouch behind cover.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

It had to do with amount of buttons on the controller too IIRC. I only ever missed it once when fighting synths where the only cover was waist height somethings.

Shame we didn't get the acid spit. It was something I would have liked to have seen in 2010. Though Colonial Marines did give it us.



I have an exe where you can crouch as the Marine on the right stick of a controller if anyone wants it.



Quote from: SiL on Dec 12, 2021, 10:46:13 PM
I remember them saying they didn't put crouching in because there was no need for it in the game.

I also remember getting shot because I couldn't crouch behind cover.




How about the marine jump function? I think that was also missing



No... you can, it is just pathetically tiny, CoD influence.

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

The jump is pathetic, though if it were functional without a stamina bar, I can only imagine the bunny hopping in Multiplayer we'd have seen. :laugh:



I miss swinging the Pulse Rifle like a club from AvP Classic. Cooler idea than the infinite bullets of the pistol.

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