Happy 10th Birthday AvP 2010!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Feb 19, 2020, 10:18:45 AM

Happy 10th Birthday AvP 2010! (Read 18,102 times)

Corporal Hicks

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the UK release of AvP 2010!

The Cruentus

I have actually been playing this recently, unfortunately I think online mode is even deader than usual now as I haven't been able to find matches.
At least campaign mode has been useful as a good distraction.

The game doesn't have the best narrative and it is too short but its still enjoyable. I just wish playing as the Alien was more satisfying.



Yeah I still play this regularily.

If they had put more time and money into this it could have been great. Instead its a fun but very flawed game.

Still better than ACM by a lot.



Good game. I think to play again.

Corporal Hicks

If you missed it, we did an MP live stream to celebrate today.



I play on steam once in a while. Got to play the dlc maps online for the first time this year. Too bad they didnt try to add more content to keep it alive. 



I still enjoy this game.

It's a shame Rebellion didn't get to handle A:CM


I might have to give it a replay on my weekend off.  The campaign is great but painfully short.



Thanks for posting those!

Also a good one if anyone wants to take screenshots: https://www.moddb.com/games/avp2010/addons/avpgalaxy-no-hud-mod



I especially bought a PS3 for this game. Such an exciting experience. I remember busting out this game on warm summer nights.



It was okay.  There were aspects that they made worse that the older games didn't suffer from.

Like wall crawling with the Alien, or having to transition into a vent as an Alien.  Predator tree running also didn't feel natural even though I don't have a better idea for that one.  You either have to do what they did and stop and pick your target to land on, or pick your target and fly over the sides of where your supposed to be going like in AvP2. 



I loved the game but it always felt unfinished to me. A lot of the mechanics were cool, like Pred tree jumping, Alien wallcrawling, but they needed some refinement to make them less clunky. The rock, paper, scissors style of hand-to-hand combat was pretty good too, imo. But again, probably could've used some refinement.

There were other neat things implemented, too, like Aliens hiding in the walls of the hive and the Pred's vocal mimicry. Unfortunately they weren't fully realised yet, but the potential for future possibilities was there. Shame we never got a follow up where they took these ideas further.

Also, I loved the execution kills. These could be problematic in multiplayer, but in single player they were glorious.

The whole game for me is just a list of pros and cons. It felt like they only barely touched on what was possible with the AvP formula.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

I had a great time with AvP2010. Yeah, I found the Predator's target jumping a bit clunky, and the Alien campaign a bit too brief, but Lance just killed in that game. And I have reoccurring fond memories of killing xenos, as the club music is bouncing, and that hologram dancer is getting down... I think I replayed that level a lot!  :)

Still Collating...

This was my first avp game, I loved it so much! Now I see that it has a lot of flaws, but I'll always have nostalgia goggles on when I think about it.

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