Inside Obsidian's Aliens RPG - New Details from the Game's Writer

Started by Corporal Hicks, Feb 03, 2017, 10:49:41 PM

Inside Obsidian's Aliens RPG - New Details from the Game's Writer (Read 3,578 times)

Corporal Hicks

QuoteIn this excerpt from The Game Informer Show podcast, RPG writer Eric Fenstermaker talks about his time working at Obsidian Entertainment and the vision for the Aliens third-person game that was cancelled by Sega so that they could support Aliens: Colonial Marines instead.

I've not watched this yet so don't know if there's any new details.


I hope the me in the alternate universe where A:CM was cancelled instead of Crucible had fun with it.


He doesn't say anything about the story, unfortunately. Just says the reason they cancelled it was because Sega was juggling too many balls and had to get rid of one. According to ikarop, the real reason was because Obsidian was taking way too long to do basic tasks. Ironic, considering Sega chose Colonial Marines over that. I guess FPS was a safer bet.

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