PS3 AVP - 6 Pack - anyone want to get this with me?

Started by Xenoscream, Jun 03, 2010, 11:51:37 AM

PS3 AVP - 6 Pack - anyone want to get this with me? (Read 538 times)


Hi Guys,

I'm looking to go platinum on this game, I've almost finished the marine campaign on Nightmare (not as bad as I thought it would be, although had some annoying insta deaths from acid a few times)

However due to the general lack of people playing online I think the 6 pack might be really hard to get, if anyone else is interested in helping me get this, or just setting a time to play some AVP I would be really grateful.

For me Fridays and the weekend is best as I am often working away from home during the week, I'm also living in the UK.

My PSN is : mrtomski


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