Quote from: kvon17 on Jun 09, 2009, 04:16:52 AM
No. It just means you can't go in Charging at 6 enemies. You actually have to hunt and take them down 1 at a time.
Even while cloaked, one could hardly charge in and take down six enemies. If you're in multiplayer, and you decide to kill a marine with meele and you decloak, a marine across the map with a damn sniper rifle will take you out. In my humble opinion, we
at least need to remain cloaked while using meele weapons. We could use the argument that it's not authentic to the movies (and it certainly isn't), but I'm mainly concerned with how multiplayer will balance out. There are already plenty of ways to counter the cloak (alien see through it, motion tracker, smartguns, and lots of other massive firepower). Even in AvP2 where the cloak made you basically invisible (while still), smart marine players could
easily take down a predator, even if they were pistol spamming.