Hi all,
I recently got a copy of Aliens for the old SNES, and I have played through the game, now would like to play through it with a few cheats on, and cannot get this to work:
B - Push-Button Cheats
You will need two controllers to perform these. While playing the game (do not
pause the game), on controller 2 press A,B,Y,X. Do not hold them down, but
press them in that order.
Then with controller 1, press A for invincibility, B to increase the damage
dealt to the aliens, or X to give yourself infinite ammo.
You can use all of these cheats at one time, but they must be entered
Here they are again, just to simplify things:
Controller 2 Controller 1
A,B,Y,X then A for invincibility
A,B,Y,X then B for increased damage
A,B,Y,X then X infinite ammoDoes anyone here have experience with using this cheat? Am I hitting the buttons too fast, too slow?
Or are these just bogus cheats