So, Anyone interested in seeing AVP 2010 BC on Xbox One?

Started by AMITY_PREDATOR, Feb 19, 2018, 10:24:10 PM

So, Anyone interested in seeing AVP 2010 BC on Xbox One? (Read 44,387 times)

Local Trouble

Quote from: The Cruentus on Dec 06, 2018, 12:59:45 PM
Played it yesterday, matchmaking is still rubbish but there was a few players, the most was eight.

Is that better than it was before the backwards compatibility?


Love this game needed it honest as this gen only had isolation at the mo last gen had 3 alien games.anyway just wandering if anyone has created an alien warrior mod for isolation or even a protomorph mod love the drone but would be cool to see Cameron's warrior xeno as well even covenants protomorph alien.just thought some modder would have done it by now

The Cruentus

Quote from: Local Trouble on Dec 06, 2018, 05:10:38 PM
Quote from: The Cruentus on Dec 06, 2018, 12:59:45 PM
Played it yesterday, matchmaking is still rubbish but there was a few players, the most was eight.

Is that better than it was before the backwards compatibility?

Not sure for certain as it has been awhile since I played it on 360. I have only played once so far and there really wasn't a significant amout of players, it is possible that it being on Xone now has caused some folks to come back on it, but the matchmaking problem will soon kill that.


This is why I loved the days when bots were more prevalent in multiplayer. Set them on hard and blast away.

The Cruentus

Bots can make the match feel full and at least there something to kill and be killed by.  I remember playing Timesplitters a lot with bots before I got internet connection, as well as the original battlefronts.

Sgt. Shanx

Gamertag is Rahm Tranir...i love this game...if anybody sees this and needs some players ill play...just downloaded it...just add me as a friend and message avp and im with it

Local Trouble

Quote from: Sgt. Shanx on Dec 07, 2018, 12:56:18 PM
Gamertag is Rahm Tranir...i love this game...if anybody sees this and needs some players ill play...just downloaded it...just add me as a friend and message avp and im with it

This is why Hicks needed to promote the hell out of this news.  I bet he significantly boosted sales of Xbox consoles and AvP with that one post.

They should send him a free Xbox One X as thanks.



Unfortunately, since my hard copy of AvP on 360 was given away or sold at some point, I had to buy this again on the Xbox store for $20. However, it seems to be astronomically expensive on Amazon if you want to get it new, so $20 isn't all bad.

This game has actually aged pretty well if you just want to run through it. I played the three campaigns on hard in about a day's worth of time; I felt they were pretty easy actually, so I must have improved at FPS games in the time this was released, because I remember feeling more challenged on the normal setting when it was released. The Predator campaign had a couple moments where I got stuck on hand-to-hand combat with the Xenos, but it was all doable after a few tries. It's all really about timing. The human campaign is easily the best and most atmospheric, except for the 2nd half of the final level which really takes you out of the game in favor of a grueling lead up to an underwhelmingly designed boss fight.

The Xenomorph AI in the human campaign is what continues to impress me about this game. Very cunning enemies; they make the ACM Xenomorphs look like a joke, and that game was released later.

The Predator and Alien campaign are fun, but the human AI is still notably awful. Distracting the humans w/ Predator's voice mimicking is hilariously unrealistic. Their verbal responses to these are lazy and cut out all the tension of the moment. The AI also don't respond realistically to finding their dead friends. I'm also still bitter that the headbite isn't one of the primary attacks playing as the Alien. It ends up being a stealth type kill instead of something activated when the human heads are in the center of the screen. There also isn't a satisfying crunch sound when executed, but that might be nitpicking. 

Overall this is still fun and worth playing, and maybe it has aged well because of how bad ACM is. This still doesn't improve upon AvP (1999) or AvP 2, but it's a worthy entry if you ask me, if only for the human campaign. I even played some multiplayer, and that was a good time as well. Even had a game with 7 people in it at one point.

I very much hope this ushers in backwards compatibility for:
- Aliens: Colonial Marines
- AvP: Excinction
- Predator: Concrete Jungle

I will feel stupid doing it, but I will purchase all of these games again if they'll run on Xbox One. The lovely thing about backwards compatibility is the more powerful machine slashes the load times for these games, making them much more time efficient to play as an adult, as opposed to the past when I was a kid without real responsibilities and could sit around all day watching load screens.

Local Trouble

Quote from: Hudson on Dec 12, 2018, 04:46:22 PM
I will feel stupid doing it, but I will purchase all of these games again if they'll run on Xbox One.

I started replacing my physical copies with (discounted) digital downloads when Microsoft finally allowed high capacity external hard drives on the 360.  I've never even laid my hands on a physical copy of an Xbox One game.

The Kurgan

Quote from: Local Trouble on Dec 12, 2018, 05:02:44 PM
Quote from: Hudson on Dec 12, 2018, 04:46:22 PM
I will feel stupid doing it, but I will purchase all of these games again if they'll run on Xbox One.

I started replacing my physical copies with (discounted) digital downloads when Microsoft finally allowed high capacity external hard drives on the 360.  I've never even laid my hands on a physical copy of an Xbox One game.

The future is now.

Local Trouble

Microsoft would be wise to make a low-cost version of their next console without a Blu-ray or internal hard drive.  Those things just make them more expensive to manufacture and are ultimately unnecessary for a lot of users.

Mr. Forest

If anyone wants to play the game some time, shoot me a friend request.

GT: Hennex Forest

Corporal Hicks

Local Trouble

I'm a little surprised that Sega didn't make you the same offer.

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: Hudson on Dec 12, 2018, 04:46:22 PM

I very much hope this ushers in backwards compatibility for:
- Aliens: Colonial Marines
- AvP: Excinction
- Predator: Concrete Jungle

I will feel stupid doing it, but I will purchase all of these games again if they'll run on Xbox One. The lovely thing about backwards compatibility is the more powerful machine slashes the load times for these games, making them much more time efficient to play as an adult, as opposed to the past when I was a kid without real responsibilities and could sit around all day watching load screens.

I hope they never make ACM backwards compatible frankly.

It's a crying shame really, the availability of Monolith's AVP
and Gearbox's ACM should be reversed.

To this day wish there was a skirmish for AVP Extinction.
More than anything I'd love a Monolith's AVP remake tho.

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