Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Presents Predator 2: Crossroads, A Fan Comic

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 21, 2020, 03:57:44 PM

Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Presents Predator 2: Crossroads, A Fan Comic (Read 7,632 times)

Corporal Hicks

As we continue our celebration of Predator 2’s 30th anniversary, we now have a cool fan-comic written and illustrated by AvP Galaxy’s resident Predator 2 expert, Voodoo Magic aka AJ Bischoff, for all our fellow Predator fan’s reading pleasure!

It’s been several years after the events of Predator 2. Mike Harrigan is on the trail of a new Predator rumored to be hunting in the jungles of South America. Yet after a debilitating altercation, what Harrigan finds is something unexpected, which challenges the very notion of his unrelenting pursuit.

You can download and check out Predator 2: Crossroads here! Be sure to check back in with us to let Voodoo Magic know what you thought of the comic down below!

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Voodoo Magic

Thanks to Samhain for helping me a little bit with some Spanish! :)


Haven't known you're an artist, Voodoo ! Cheers !

Voodoo Magic

Well, aspiring!  :)

Hope you find it an enjoyable read Kradan. There's at least one easter egg in there too that I'm curious if anyone will notice.



Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Nov 21, 2020, 07:39:23 PM
There's at least one easter egg in there too that I'm curious if anyone will notice.

*starts looking*

Does refference to Dillon's line about waking up counts as one ?

Or reference to Ripley's line about percentage ?

Or reference to her "final report" from Alien ?

Does the moon at the beginning counts as refference to AvP ?

Panel with Harrigan screaming "f**k you, f**k you !" gave me good chuckle


Great job there, Voodoo! I like it. It's even got a bit of Magic to it. :)

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Nov 21, 2020, 10:53:28 PM
Great job there, Voodoo! I like it. It's even got a bit of Magic to it. :)

Thanks brother. You're too kind. Great to hear you liked it. Appreciate the feedback!  :)

Quote from: Kradan on Nov 21, 2020, 09:47:01 PM
Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Nov 21, 2020, 07:39:23 PM
There's at least one easter egg in there too that I'm curious if anyone will notice.

*starts looking*

Does refference to Dillon's line about waking up counts as one ?

Or reference to Ripley's line about percentage ?

Hah, yeah, those are two.  :)  But there's a whopper in there too. We'll see if anyone makes the connection.

Panel with Harrigan screaming "f**k you, f**k you !" gave me good chuckle

Haha, thanks. It felt like a very Harrigan thing to say in that situation!


Cool, cool! I can't wait to see more. :)

Gr33n M4n

This is nice, bro. Do you plan on making anymore?

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Nov 23, 2020, 12:04:28 AM
Cool, cool! I can't wait to see more. :)

Aw man, thanks XenoHunter. That really means a lot!  :)

Quote from: Phobos on Nov 23, 2020, 12:32:52 AM
This is nice, bro. Do you plan on making anymore?

Yes! That was my plan to do more if it enough people liked it. It was my hope at least. So thanks very much for the nice feedback Phobos!

Corporal Hicks

Glad to hear everyone is enjoying.  :)


Woh cool, putting in the work Voodoo. I like that bio mask. Keep it up Buck.

Voodoo Magic

Thanks so much LH!  I originally had no idea where to go with the bio-mask design, so I'm glad you ended up liking it!


Nice work Voodoo! It's cool to see Harrigan in something post-Predator 2! Only fitting that your anniversary comic should feature him! :D Now that we've finally got some more lore for Dutch with Hunting Grounds it'd be nice if we could get some more stuff like this with Harrigan in it as well.

And yeah, nice bio-mask design! Reminds me of something from the later Dark Horse comics. Good stuff!

Voodoo Magic

Thanks Kailem. Really appreciate it brother.

You know it's funny. I wrote the Crossroads story before the Dutch reveal in Hunting Grounds. And once Dutch was revealed, I was like... you're kidding me. No Predator lore on Dutch for over three decades, 33 long damn years, and then finally, when I'm going to explain his disappearance in this project, now they finally do something with Dutch?!  WTF!!!   :laugh:

But I quickly got over it because... it's Dutch in Hunting Grounds!  Woohoo!!!   ;D

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