AvP Galaxy’s Alien Day 2019 Competition!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 26, 2019, 06:44:08 AM

AvP Galaxy’s Alien Day 2019 Competition! (Read 12,604 times)

Corporal Hicks

There's not long left on the competition! Get those answers in if you haven't already.  :)

Corporal Hicks

And that's time called on our Alien Day competition! We had hundreds of entries for this one so thank you to each and every one of you who participated! So the answer the question how many Alien films Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr. worked on was five!

Both worked on Aliens under Stan Winston before forming Amalgamated Dynamics Inc. and working on Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection, and both Alien vs.  Predator films. And without further ado, our winners are:

Limited Chase Edition Alien vinyl figure from Borbz - Sarah Jayne
Alien Queen Funko Pop - Robert Wright 
Diamond Select Xeno Warrior Vinimate - Conar Murdoch
ReAction Brett Figure - Pawel Brozek
15 packs of Upper Deck's Alien 3 trading cards set - Jim Wetherall
Jonesy - Nine Lives on the Nostromo by Rory Lucey - Travis Mazereeuw
The Complete Aliens Omnibus Volume 6 - Ethan Cline
Dark Ink limited edition lithograph "Nostromo" by Andy Fairhurst - Harley Derrick

E-mails have been sent requesting shipping addresses. Please allow some time as we're still waiting on delivery of some of the prizes. Further emails will be sent out when the items are shipped!


Well at least I had the right answer lol.


I said 4, because i just had Stan Winston in my head. Forgot that they worked for him at that point lol


It's rigged, I say! I never win anything!

... except that time I won something awesome.

But that aside ... !


I never win anything either.

I never enter, but that's beside the point.

Local Trouble

You win arguments on the internet all the time.



Quote from: Glaive on Apr 27, 2019, 02:53:12 PM
...and in some dark, forgotten room Ridley Scott is reading this thread...


Not related to your post directly but, man, your signature is damn clever! Love it.

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