Tell Your Alien Story With #MyAlien40th!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 18, 2019, 08:52:34 AM

Tell Your Alien Story With #MyAlien40th! (Read 5,631 times)

Corporal Hicks

As part of 2019’s Alien Day and Alien’s 40th anniversary celebrations , 20th Century Fox is running the #MyAlien40th event and encouraging Alien fans around the world to participate in submitting a video explaining your love for the original Alien!

To celebrate the 40th anniversary, we want YOU to submit your first/best/favorite memory of Alien (1979). Was it your first R- rated movie? Did you see it in theatres/VHS/Blu-Ray/Digital? Was it a first date? What scene stood out the most? Did it inspire you to work in the industry? What makes it so universal and relevant 40 years later?

Throughout Alien Day fans are encouraged to tweet @AlienAnthology using the hashtag #MyAlien40th with a short 30 second video (or a picture) that demonstrates how we feel about the OG Alien. These entries could then potentially be used to help promote the series in the future!

Be sure to head on over the Alien Universe website to check out the full details including the guidelines and legal information!

Make sure you stick with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on the Alien 40th Anniversary celebrations and Alien Day announcements! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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Delta Echo Alpha Delta

They are very specific about non-third party items. That rules out just about any cosplay.


Only if that cosplay isn't Alien-related.


I think she means "items that were made and sold, such as Alien heads, flamethrowers etc, even patches, by a third party not licensed by Fox". Which does include a lot of the more technical parts of many cosplays.

Corporal Hicks

Well I gave it a go! Was hard to set-up when it was just me and an older SLR that I couldn't flip the screen around to see my own framing. Thanks to SiL for help with the overlay and the noise.  :)


Any time! Was a nice tidbit


Corporal Hicks


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