But as a fan of the old DH comics, I like me some CHEEZE.
It's also interesting, will we actually be playing someone else besides the USCMC in an Aliens action game? If not no Marine likes to be called Soldier.
It also helps to do a little research on military organization before making a realistic military VG.
If they are Dagger company, they wouldn't be a battalion of black ops, they would be a company of black ops. A few companies make up one battalion.
Of course if this is all behind the scenes stuff, about folks talking to other folks within Dibney, then it doesn't matter.
Also odd that they don't have runners or warriors as common xeno enemies. I know some people consider drones/warriors the same, but they've been separate in the most recent games, so its kinda weird to not have them here.
Still, sounds like good old late 80's and early 90s eu fun.