The season pass has been so far a total bust. Wanted and hoped for kenner skins

Started by Adamantiumhip, Apr 26, 2022, 08:11:01 PM

The season pass has been so far a total bust. Wanted and hoped for kenner skins (Read 5,804 times)

Corporal Hicks



It is a bit of a strange season pass. On one hand it's great game altering content such as new kits are free for all on the other the cosmetics didn't add too much. It's also strange how the weapon colours can be over the top and crazy like dragonfruit etc but the actual player skins are more gtounded in universe. Would be nice to have some crazy outfits to match the weapon colours.


That's a good season pass then, not required, but ultimately worth it and keeps the crazy to the gun skins you can imagine Marines modifying or easily ignore, no goddamn purple holographic mohawks or people running around with yellow speed lines here.

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