What future campaign(s) do you want?

Started by Inverse Effect, Sep 23, 2021, 01:28:54 AM

What future campaign(s) do you want? (Read 13,221 times)

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Thatguy2068 on Oct 19, 2021, 03:19:42 PM
Actually yeah B4B did put a major dent in the A:FTE player base, even if A:FTE release new content, it is in  B4B shadow because it is more popular

To be honest, the drop in the "Aliens: Fireteam Elite" player base occurred before Back 4 Blood.  When did Back 4 Blood release, October 12th?

Even at October 3rd, roughly 1 month & 1 week after "Aliens: Fireteam Elite" was released, Cold Iron saw their Steam player base peak drop from 15,550 to 1,969... an approximate 88% drop. And by time October 11th came around, it was at 1,070.


What is Sopranos ?

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Kradan on Oct 19, 2021, 04:25:47 PM
What is Sopranos ?

The highest of the four standard singing voices.



A question to consider is if Aliens: Fireteam Elite is even trying to be a live-service title with a constantly active player-base. Not every game is going for that approach nor should it.

What is odd is that Game Informer reported that it is not a live service title:


"Although developer Cold Iron Studios designing Fireteam Elite with replayability in mind, it is not a live service game."

And GameSpot reported that it is:


"Fireteam Elite is already poised to draw the most from the Aliens franchise of any game before it, and it seems to be in a unique position to tell an expansive, evolving Aliens story through a live-service game approach."

This confusion here is something we're planning on asking the devs about.

Voodoo Magic

Just looking at the game itself one can see there's not enough for a stand-alone game and not enough for a live-service one, but their game pushes toward both and excels at neither. Hence its core problem I think.



Yeah it's really strange

I think it works as a proof of concept for live service. Add p2p, random horde maps, alternating defend points, map builder, variety of mission objectives and more campaign and I think you could have had a popular AAA live service Aliens game with a long life.

Unfortunately as it is, it doesn't really work for more than just a fun run through of the campaign.



New missions and enemy types as well, like a Advanced mutated alien from the goo, I know that there were one in the game but I was sort of hoping like extra limbs rather than a simple reskin. Some new maps for the horde mission. And A model viewer I mean They are probably not going to add something like this in but I would like to see the enemy types up close

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: 426Buddy on Oct 20, 2021, 01:49:21 PM
Yeah it's really strange

I think it works as a proof of concept for live service. Add p2p, random horde maps, alternating defend points, map builder, variety of mission objectives and more campaign and I think you could have had a popular AAA live service Aliens game with a long life.

Indeed! And that would be so awesome!!!


Only 1 horde map is a bit ridiculous, especially for replayability.


Would something with only Drones and Warriors work with the way the game actually plays? If not, could it work if you toned down their damage-sponge aspects, removed their grapples, but upped their other damage?

judge death

Quote from: 426Buddy on Oct 19, 2021, 02:02:13 PM
To be fair this sub forum has never been active. Even before the release of the game there was almost no discussion. After release I went to reddit to discuss things like builds and modifiers because this place was a ghost town.

But yeah this game's player base is dead, especially since B4B was released.

Now Im speaking for myself but I guess one explanation why players are dropping off is: there is nothing left to do in the game once you beat the campaign 2-3 times, after that its ust repetition, unless one is a completeionist and want to unlock every small decal or whatever flash hider upgrade there is which isnt needed as one already by then have the optimum one for the pulse rifle and no need to change it. Horde mode is fun for 10 minutes after that its the same thing over and over again.
So beaten the game and nothing more to do: next game.


Quote from: RidgeTop on Oct 19, 2021, 05:42:45 PM
A question to consider is if Aliens: Fireteam Elite is even trying to be a live-service title with a constantly active player-base. Not every game is going for that approach nor should it.

What is odd is that Game Informer reported that it is not a live service title:


"Although developer Cold Iron Studios designing Fireteam Elite with replayability in mind, it is not a live service game."

And GameSpot reported that it is:


"Fireteam Elite is already poised to draw the most from the Aliens franchise of any game before it, and it seems to be in a unique position to tell an expansive, evolving Aliens story through a live-service game approach."

This confusion here is something we're planning on asking the devs about.

Any news, RidgeTop?

Why are the social media channels for this game fricking dead! They need to drop this roadmap yesterday!



There is no roadmap. The season pass is our roadmap. Shaders decals and head gear. Or if you'd like Head Gear shaders  and decals. Sometimes with a slight palette change. Occasionally a new patch number with fixes for bugs we never encountered before.

Maybe if were lucky they might add an incadencent glow to the game's menu screen text and label it an Upgrade in Visuals.



Quote from: acrediblesource on Oct 27, 2021, 03:59:22 PM
There is no roadmap. The season pass is our roadmap. Shaders decals and head gear. Or if you'd like Head Gear shaders  and decals. Sometimes with a slight palette change. Occasionally a new patch number with fixes for bugs we never encountered before.

Maybe if were lucky they might add an incadencent glow to the game's menu screen text and label it an Upgrade in Visuals.

They've been teasing a roadmap on Twitter for the past couple of weeks. They said it will be revealed "soon"

And the Road Map has dropped! Lol


Voodoo Magic

Wish for some other things Seattle! Quick! :laugh:

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