Horde Mode

Started by acrediblesource, Aug 28, 2021, 05:40:26 PM

Horde Mode (Read 2,850 times)



How many waves are there until its over?
I fought through close to 20 or something and since we died we didn't get any of the Requisition Credits.



Only 20 I believe.



At least 40. On reddit people share the vids. It seems there is no ending.

But you can get the rewards (armor and weapon skins) if you finish 10 waves (and leave, i suppose) of Horde mode on Extreme and Insane.



I got to 21 and hfs 3 crushers and 2 praetorians stomped us



Did it say you got the rewards? I remember my squad dying and it read on the screen No Rewards. Im wondering if there is an actually official "Swarm End" screen title.



Of course! No rewards if you die. You should return to ship after every 10 waves to get the rewards.



Quote from: acrediblesource on Aug 28, 2021, 07:32:44 PM
Did it say you got the rewards? I remember my squad dying and it read on the screen No Rewards. Im wondering if there is an actually official "Swarm End" screen title.




I think returning to the ship is based on votes. I was playing with 3 other people in Horde mode (We somehow got 4 people playing total) and I voted to return to the ship after 10 rounds and we had to play another 10 rounds so I think it is on a vote system.

Screenshot of 4 players included.

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

4 players?! That must be a glitch of course, but I wonder if it can be replicated and how....



I had a go at this after finally finishing the campaign last night, and damn do things get hairy towards wave 10!

I can certainly see you needing a pretty good and levelled-up team to get to 20 and beyond. But I like that it gives you the option to bounce and still be rewarded. Gives you the opportunity to end the game when you want rather than just go on indefinitely like some other horde modes do.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

RidgeTop, Shevvie and I got to 20 on Standard. We've not attempted to go any further yet. Don't think we managed to get to 10 on Intense.



I got to 20 last night with a good team of randomers and a good team comp. It didn't seem like I got any rewards beyond just credits and script though (and XP). I was hoping for new weapons or something.

Either way I'm definitely looking forward to giving it a go with a team o' friends. Getting to 20 wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be once we got past 10, but on intense (and with a bad/not well-levelled team) I can imagine it'd be very difficult indeed.



Completing wave 10 on Intense, Extreme, and Insane unlocks the Horde Slayer weapon skin, armor, and helmet, respectively.



Quote from: Still Collating... on Aug 30, 2021, 11:14:11 AM
4 players?! That must be a glitch of course, but I wonder if it can be replicated and how....

It would be great if they allowed 4 players for Horde mode.



There are 50 waves in total on horde mode.  I've only played horde mode by myself and just completed the first 10. I hope they add more horde levels in future DLC.

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