Fan Reviews

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 23, 2021, 08:40:59 AM

Fan Reviews (Read 23,019 times)

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Kailem on Aug 26, 2021, 04:22:21 PM
Peer to peer matchmaking is a thing, and I'm pretty sure that's what this game is already using anyway.

The first couple of times I tried I didn't get anyone to team up with either, but every time since then it's found random people pretty much immediately. I'm guessing it's just down to release teething troubles, as is the case with a lot of games' matchmaking to start with (unfortunately), and hopefully it'll improve over time.

I'll keep trying!

QuoteSo far I have encountered a bug where the sound cut out at the end of the first mission of the second campaign and I had to do the last fight in almost total silence (twice) which sucked, but that's about the only major problem I've had so far.


QuoteFor various reasons I haven't been staying up as late playing games as I often used to these last several months, but I'm hoping to get back to that a bit more with this game and hopefully be able to get into some full teams with people I can actually talk to and coordinate with, because that's definitely going to be key to finishing these missions on the harder difficulties.

Yeah, Vampire Kailem is missed...  :laugh:  but a regular mortal sleep schedule is probably healthier for ya.

Quote from: StanSwitek on Aug 26, 2021, 02:23:17 PM
Yep I'm with you VM. Another annoyance is no checkpoints, which helps to make this a game you really can only play in short (controlled) bursts, an hour or so at a time. Because if you get to the final encounter of a mission and die you're going all the way back to the beginning, so I think the hell with it and do something else. There's no restart mission option even, you have to choose to return to base (if you're in a squad and return to base, this could take a long time loading, and sometimes hangs quite a while, because I think it waits until all 3 players are loaded), and then start the mission again from there.

Yeah, I don't quite understand the thought process behind this design with missions as long as they are.

Quoteand as to your question about PS4 being matched with PS5 players, I don't think that happens. No crossplay whatsoever even between generations of the same system. I am pretty sure. So  I think its a matter of just not enough players available. Which is a shame. It also doesn't help that there's no filters, as you said. You can't just say, please put me into ANY game, I don't care the difficulty, if there's cards enabled, I just want to play with PEOPLE!

That last point you made is an Excellent one! Why can't there just be a big PLAY button so to speak.

All one can do is pick a console, pick a map, pick a level on that map, pick a difficulty level, and then cross your fingers that others made the same exact picks that you did and want to team up.



Went into this with zero expectations given how long it's been in the works, that's almost always sign of trouble behind the scenes.

It's surprisingly decent in some ways and then really bad in the ways that should have been easy to do great.

The positives are that the guns feel alright, from the flamethrowers right down to the handguns, if you can aim they can kill pretty good. Bonus points for actually having shotguns that can kill beyond two metres.
The weapon customisation and levelling up had me a bit concerned at first that this would be some destiny type deal where your guns become useless on higher difficulties if you haven't invested in them.

To test that I started the game on intense right away and had not much trouble with two randoms, apart from a few deaths on mission two, but that was because of that monica alien being a complete bullet sponge. Got past her using a double health challenge card and finished the rest without much trouble, so yeah the combat rating thing really doesn't matter.

The aliens themselves are decent on your first time through, but the flaw shows up on your second time in any level. Their travel paths are so scripted that once you know them you can be prefiring into their spawns before they even pop out, not to mention the big fights are way too scripted as well with certain types of aliens always going to spawn in certain areas and at specific times. I don't think challenge cards can change this enough. Although one interesting thing is that if you run through a level enough times some new mini objectives can appear or be moved to a different area which can have unique encounters of their own.

The synths are pretty standard firearm enemies so there's not much to say about them.

The "pathogen" enemies are pretty underwhelming given the scope it has to make pretty much whatever you want? So they made flood infection forms, zombies and a camo enemy with huge telegraphing of its attacks, the drone does its concept better already.

The classes are okay from what I seen, I mainly played as a technician so they seemed the strongest to me especially once you get a flamethrower turret. The gunner and assault are alright too, if you know how to aim and not blast your teammates in the back of the head.
The doc seems kinda pointless though, their trauma kit takes medkits to charge and then leaves you waiting around while enemies keep spawning.
The recon is a lot more useful, you can be almost a one man army with their supply bot giving you infinite ammo, only downside is the mapper bots destroying frames when you activate them.

Now the odd part is this game does player customisation worse than colonial marines somehow, you can only pick an outfit a piece of headgear and that's it, no choosing armour plates, colour of your armour, accessories, types of shirt, putting decals on YOUR armour, none of that.
How do you mess that up in a game which seems to want you to care about how you look?
Even the weapon customisation is nothing amazing, it's about on par with colonial marines.

Also the horde mode in this is pretty meh, there's only one map and it's devoid of interactivity. You may as well just sit where you spawn in because that's where the ammo box is and the locker where you can buy consumables. After ten waves you get some rewards and can keep going or leave, to me it was boring as hell. Again colonial marines had a more interesting horde mode since you had a reason to travel around the maps in that, also it had maps, plural.

The story is whatever, just there as an excuse for the game and none of the voice acting is very good and trying too hard to be quippy. It was exemplified to me when during a shootout my guy unenthusiastically said "maybe we got 'em demoralised" completely deadpan and I was just thinking wtf, Hudson said it sarcastically because that was his character, just repeating what he said in a completely different situation is not funny or cool, pretty bad writer(s) on this game unfortunately.
Also one bullshit point is that the colonial marine ship you're in can't just shoot the refinery the alien hive is in because it's "too big", rolled my eyes right there surely they could have come up with a better reason why you must go back onto it and you could still blow it up along the way.

The music honestly left no impression on me, can't remember even a bit.

Going forward they obviously want to introduce WY as a faction and also Hyperdyne, but does anyone want that? Two more factions of shooting enemies in an aliens game, how exciting. It would be more interesting if they do some more with the pathogen, there was some mention of other animals it could affect I think, that they haven't seen it work with yet.
Also with the queen on the refinery dead seems like it's time for the ones on the planet to make a queen of their own.

Overall, it's just an okay game but really doesn't excel at what it should given how limited in scope it is.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: judge death on Aug 26, 2021, 04:14:22 PM
Dont forget either that once the servers are down you can only play this game with the bots, so beating the game wont be possible then on medium settings or higher.

It's peer-to-peer.



I love this game so far.  Started mission 4. Gameplay is solid, atmosphere is great, sound is very well done and guns feel powerful.

Love the xenomorph variety but wish there were a few more types.

Also wish the android ai was a lot better and a text based chat and dedicated servers.

The net code is rock solid and I can find players to play with easily on the pc. It runs great too with my fairly modest setup.

Overall the game is very polished. I'm very happy with the result. Much more so then Predator Hunting Grounds.

Overall 9/10 for me.



Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Aug 26, 2021, 02:12:26 PM

My second experience last night, my party settings were public, I got into the queue and couldn't find any real players to play with. This is the first week of release and I repeat, I couldn't find anyone to play with. >:(

We know there's no crossplay, but is that even mean between generations? Perhaps it works in Private Matches, but if I'm on PS4-Pro, do I not get in the queue with PS5 players? Is that just another filter that minimizes a player pool, along with I assume the campaign level you're selecting, along with the difficulty level you're selecting that narrows your compatible player search? Perhaps. I dunno. No players to find.

From my understanding cross gen play is supported. Whether or not it is working as it should, I can't say. The way matchmaking filter is setup seems flawed to me. I understand jumping into a queue only for the chapter I'm on to avoid spoilers, but I can't seem to open up the difficulty and card options to ANY or remove those filters entirely, which I'm guessing narrows my matchmaking significantly. I had trouble finding a match on Standard and switched to Casual and was able to find players. Does that mean the pool for Casual players is larger? I don't know.

I can see how having matches listed wouldn't work with the Endeavor hub system they have setup between missions, but it's just another roadblock to finding other players. Hopefully they can refine the system in future updates.

As for the no lipsync it bothers me a bit too, but I understand why it isn't there. With multiple players being able to talk to the same character at the same time, they'd have to either load you to another screen so that each player could see individual animations (essentially loading the same character three times at the same time to play different animations) or make it so only one player can access the character at a time in a session at the hub. I haven't played many other games that use this hub system, but I imagine a lot avoid it by hiding their character's faces behind a mask or helmet.

It doesn't look great, but it's probably faster, saves on performance, and generally less intrusive than the alternatives. 

My biggest annoyance so far has been hearing the VO repeatedly rushing me to do some task during some of the objectives that require you to interact with some object in the game. The end of mission 3 in the first campaign, made me want to tear my hair out because I'd hear the damn dropship pilot squawking some sarcastic order, over and over again while I was being torn to sh*t by xenomorphs. That character in particular is very annoying, mostly due to her VO. I appreciate them being inclusive of all these different nationalities, and yes Aliens had some extreme character types, but some of  the characters sound like borderline stereotypes. Just sticks out like a sore thumb.

The more I play it, the more I get the sense it was suppose to be a significantly bigger game. There are areas that are very large, but are not utilized much, and lots of long hallways that lead to nowhere, which makes me suspect there were probably alternate routes planned at some point or maybe to be added later.

Considering the Foxnext sale and the Fox Disney merger it wouldn't be too surprising if that was the case.



Aside from technical issues, I'd say this is a better game than AvP 2010, hell, I'd say this is in the top 5 Alien and Predator games



Yeah I finally got a chance to play with my brother and when we went to start the level I was booted out. Then we spent the next 30 minutes trying to get back into the same game without luck.

Hope they patch soon



Haven't seen anyone mention this, but missions DO have variation upon replay, the first mission has alternate routes and enemy spawns everytime I replay it again



Finally got to play with my bro, we did the first mission and I felt the game was more difficult with a human player lol. I also noticed the changes on each replay.

Anyway we had a blast and barely made it onto the elevator in time. I've only played the first campaign so far, been taking it slow. But aside from the bugs the gameplay is just really fun imo.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Third night playing, third impression.

I've turned 180 on Alpha and Beta. The AI is just the pits. In a big open area they're fine, and there's mostly big open areas, but their insistence on thinking they're next to you when there's a room wall between you and them, or their willingness to stop shooting and follow you everywhere to a switch, or a lane, or an ammo box - items they can't interact with - makes those robotic knuckleheads the worst.

I wish there was some sort of mechanic where you can order Alpha and Beta to stand their ground. Would make all the difference. Last night I noticed some Aliens running past them, sometimes between them, and heading straight for me. WTF! I just head-cannoned they wanted me for the hive. :laugh:

Now while three of my usual suspects I play with were already in a game together....grrr....however

....I did find two other buds that picked up the game and I did several levels with them and had a blast. Extreme arcade-like fun. Playing with real live people for this one is where it's at. Hopefully my matchmaking is working next time I try, because I want to retire A.I. Beavis and Butt-Head for good!

Quote from: newbeing on Aug 26, 2021, 07:09:38 PM.
The more I play it, the more I get the sense it was suppose to be a significantly bigger game. There are areas that are very large, but are not utilized much, and lots of long hallways that lead to nowhere, which makes me suspect there were probably alternate routes planned at some point or maybe to be added later.

Considering the Foxnext sale and the Fox Disney merger it wouldn't be too surprising if that was the case.

We all read the Alien Blackout press release, but who knows if Aliens Fireteam Elite being a MMO was just a typo or a MMO was truly the original intent. It certainly feels like the original intent while playing it, and a typo on an official press release would be just so damned unusual - those things are triple checked. I'll be interested once the Devs are on the record with it, but I wonder if they would feel comfortable revealing the game was reduced in that way.

The game does feel strangely, oddly incomplete to me so far, kind of a patchworked in a way to make it feel disconnected to itself. But when in the heat of the gameplay, killing Aliens arcade-y style has been so much fun that it doesn't get in your way of having fun. Will it eventually wear on us, coming to the forefront perhaps 3 months from now? 6 Months from now? Perhaps, but the enjoyment I'm getting out of it now might say the cost of the game was worth it.  :)



The AI needs to get the hell off my heels. Even worse in a 3rd person game. I've seen very few bugs. 

The voice acting is as bad as 90s FMV game voice acting. Wow. Some of it is good though. The armory fellow.

My biggest gripe as an Aliens fan is no grenade launcher on my pulse rifle and no M240.



Okay just beat the game, short review... SPOILERS:

The Praetorians were awesome but you don't get a final boss fight with the Alien Queen screw that. Liked the enviromnents and enemies types that separates the 4 campaign, diferent classes, abilities and leveling them all up is fun, higher difficulties are challenging.

Its fun but the lack of a proper storyline with cutscene just bothers me, I have been a singleplayer story based gamer all my life, hell even AVPClassic had at least a cool looking cutscene at its start and end. Characters speak but their mouths don't move lol. Its fun when you are playing with friends but so most games are.

judge death

judge death

Quote from: razeak on Aug 27, 2021, 07:40:42 PM
The AI needs to get the hell off my heels. Even worse in a 3rd person game. I've seen very few bugs. 

The voice acting is as bad as 90s FMV game voice acting. Wow. Some of it is good though. The armory fellow.

My biggest gripe as an Aliens fan is no grenade launcher on my pulse rifle and no M240.
The game says the pulse rifle in the game is the successor, m2 version, less ammo and no grenade launcher for better aim.... But the m1 had good aim and did everything better and had a grenade launcher so this m2 is a big downgrade to me, logicaly it shouldnt even replaced the m1.



Quote from: judge death on Aug 28, 2021, 02:50:53 AM
Quote from: razeak on Aug 27, 2021, 07:40:42 PM
The AI needs to get the hell off my heels. Even worse in a 3rd person game. I've seen very few bugs. 

The voice acting is as bad as 90s FMV game voice acting. Wow. Some of it is good though. The armory fellow.

My biggest gripe as an Aliens fan is no grenade launcher on my pulse rifle and no M240.
The game says the pulse rifle in the game is the successor, m2 version, less ammo and no grenade launcher for better aim.... But the m1 had good aim and did everything better and had a grenade launcher so this m2 is a big downgrade to me, logicaly it shouldnt even replaced the m1.
The m1 had a ridiculous high recoil, it's why they say "short controlled bursts" in the movie



Quote from: judge death on Aug 28, 2021, 02:50:53 AM
Quote from: razeak on Aug 27, 2021, 07:40:42 PM
The AI needs to get the hell off my heels. Even worse in a 3rd person game. I've seen very few bugs. 

The voice acting is as bad as 90s FMV game voice acting. Wow. Some of it is good though. The armory fellow.

My biggest gripe as an Aliens fan is no grenade launcher on my pulse rifle and no M240.
The game says the pulse rifle in the game is the successor, m2 version, less ammo and no grenade launcher for better aim.... But the m1 had good aim and did everything better and had a grenade launcher so this m2 is a big downgrade to me, logicaly it shouldnt even replaced the m1.

I know. I just wish it was an option.

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