After putting around 20 hours into the game, playing both solo and with friends
I'd say I recommend this game wholeheartedly for any Aliens fans that enjoys shooters in general, the game was made to be played with friends tho (Sure, you can use the "any game is better with friends" argument, but this one was designed around it, so it gets a pass imo), and by having at least one bud, you will have a blast, some levels feel repetitive, and some feel a bit too linear, voice acting could use some work, but for a team of 40+ people, this is really f**king impressive, I had barely any hopes for this game when it was announced 3 years ago, and frankly, I'd say this is one of the better Alien Franchise games we've ever gotten
While I could list a lost of pros, I'll list the cons as they are more important imo, be wary, Spoilers!
So, I'd say my biggest gripe with this game is the lack of boss battles, some enemies are presented as bosses, such as Monica, and the Crushers at the first level of Chapter 3, but even then, I would be lying if I said they satisfied me, the Queen section is disappointing, I really wanted to be able to take her down myself.
Another Con that I already mentioned, is that some levels get repetitive, while this can be solved by taking breaks from the game, if you play all of it at once, it can start feeling a bit like a shore.
While gameplay against the Xenos is very fun in all difficulties, I'd say Gameplay against the Androids gets worse the higher the difficulty, on Standard, they are fun to fight, and feel satisfying to kill, on Intense and above, they all become bullet sponges, and it quickly gets tedious to fight them.
Another enemy faction that is underwhelming to fight are the Pathogen, only 4 enemies is really, really dissapointing, I really hoped we would get some spicy Neos or Deacons, but alas, the only movie mutant we got is the cut Farfield Revenant
And of course, the bugs, but they are slowly getting fixed
Overall, I'd give this game a 6/10 if you are a friendless internetless mofo, and an 8 if you have some good friends that also enjoy this franchise.