Fan Reviews

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 23, 2021, 08:40:59 AM

Fan Reviews (Read 22,835 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

So I've put about 30 hours into this so far, I've completed on Standard and Intense, done a good few rounds of Horde getting to Wave 20, and I'm working on my written review, but in short I do really enjoy it. Solid 7 out of 10 for me. I've got my concerns with it, but as it sits now, I'm having a blast - as long as I'm playing with friends.

Crazy Rich

Crazy Rich

I've put a little over 7 hours into the game going in with little to no expectations, and so far I've overall been enjoying the game for what it is.

Alien Isolation this is not as it really trades immersion and authenticity for arcade style point and shoot action, but I'm not really complaining because that was one of the few things I was expecting and so far it's been a genuinely fun experience in it's own right. The story is nothing to right home about and in fact I've just been skipping through a lot of it... especially anything to do with prequel content because I'd much rather just shoot it then shoot it again just to be sure. I really recommend playing with people, even if it's just random matchmaking with no mics because that's still preferable to the bots I think, not even because of their performance but because the bots mere presence just strike me as really boring, I'm a man who can appreciate puns but this pun gets old after exactly 3 seconds.

That's all I got really for now.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 28, 2021, 10:45:34 AM
So I've put about 30 hours into this so far, I've completed on Standard and Intense, done a good few rounds of Horde getting to Wave 20, and I'm working on my written review, but in short I do really enjoy it. Solid 7 out of 10 for me. I've got my concerns with it, but as it sits now, I'm having a blast - as long as I'm playing with friends.

So far my score is aligning with you.

That one map though?  10 out of 10!  :o



I'm not sure how many hours I've put into it so far as I've replayed a lot of missions, but so far I've really been enjoying it.

I've just started the third campaign (WOW is that map cool! Really hoping for more of that sort of thing in the next couple of missions) and I haven't minded replaying stuff I've already done even with randoms. The shooting and gunplay feels really satisfying, there's always "just one more upgrade" in reach that entices you to play one more match, and it's overall just a lot of fun.

It's certainly better playing with friends over randomers or by yourself, but even when I'm not I'm still having fun.



I feel about the same as you guys.

Warts and all its still just really fun. I think being a fan really ups the enjoyment factor though.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 28, 2021, 10:45:34 AM
So I've put about 30 hours into this so far, I've completed on Standard and Intense, done a good few rounds of Horde getting to Wave 20, and I'm working on my written review, but in short I do really enjoy it. Solid 7 out of 10 for me. I've got my concerns with it, but as it sits now, I'm having a blast - as long as I'm playing with friends.

That's great to here. Glad to hear that enjoying it. Cannot wait to read the review. I ended up writing one up the other day

judge death

judge death

I would say: 6/10 if you play it alone and on standard ot intense settings, harder levels I havent been able to due to limits to the bots help and games deisgn flaws. A weak 7/10 when playing with others, again limits of the game design, bugs and limited options.

If it fixes that, give more stuff to unlock and use credits on, more customizing and bug fixes, and better dialog and charachters actually talking then its possible to reach 8/10.



After putting around 20 hours into the game, playing both solo and with friends
I'd say I recommend this game wholeheartedly for any Aliens fans that enjoys shooters in general, the game was made to be played with friends tho (Sure, you can use the "any game is better with friends" argument, but this one was designed around it, so it gets a pass imo), and by having at least one bud, you will have a blast, some levels feel repetitive, and some feel a bit too linear, voice acting could use some work, but for a team of 40+ people, this is really f**king impressive, I had barely any hopes for this game when it was announced 3 years ago, and frankly, I'd say this is one of the better Alien Franchise games we've ever gotten
While I could list a lost of pros, I'll list the cons as they are more important imo, be wary, Spoilers!


So, I'd say my biggest gripe with this game is the lack of boss battles, some enemies are presented as bosses, such as Monica, and the Crushers at the first level of Chapter 3, but even then, I would be lying if I said they satisfied me, the Queen section is disappointing, I really wanted to be able to take her down myself.
Another Con that I already mentioned, is that some levels get repetitive, while this can be solved by taking breaks from the game, if you play all of it at once, it  can start feeling a bit like a shore.
While gameplay against the Xenos is very fun in all difficulties, I'd say Gameplay against the Androids gets worse the higher the difficulty, on Standard, they are fun to fight, and feel satisfying to kill, on Intense and above, they all become bullet sponges, and it quickly gets tedious to fight them.
Another enemy faction that is underwhelming to fight are the Pathogen, only 4 enemies is really, really dissapointing, I really hoped we would get some spicy Neos or Deacons, but alas, the only movie mutant we got is the cut Farfield Revenant
And of course, the bugs, but they are slowly getting fixed

Overall, I'd give this game a 6/10 if you are a friendless internetless mofo, and an 8 if you have some good friends that also enjoy this franchise.



I'd give this a 5/10. Just average. I think Alien/s games lend themselves better to narrative, story-driven games with lots of atmosphere. The mindless shooting is cool, but I feel like it works better with some added depth and adventure. FE just feels like a more fleshed out version of the "extra" modes that you'd find in prior games. It is fun though, don't get me wrong, I just think it's a bit like junk food.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: PsyKore on Aug 29, 2021, 03:44:50 AM
I'd give this a 5/10. Just average. I think Alien/s games lend themselves better to narrative, story-driven games with lots of atmosphere. The mindless shooting is cool, but I feel like it works better with some added depth and adventure. FE just feels like a more fleshed out version of the "extra" modes that you'd find in prior games. It is fun though, don't get me wrong, I just think it's a bit like junk food.

What an excellent analogy!



As a fan of both the old EU and the movies, which I've kept compartmentalized from each other, I've enjoyed it more than I disliked it. 

However, I think that it has the benefit with me of relying on the nostalgia factor of all the EU media I've collected since my HS years, which was a long time ago.  I don't know how this game would sit with fans that have not had that experience.  The last definitive Alien game was Isolation, and while FTE looks like an Alien game, it suffers a lot of what online third person shooters do, it feels you are just barely scraping the surface level of the Alienverse.  Like your just walking along and occasionally the alienverse sends targets for you to shoot at.  There simply is a lack of immersion that Isolation had.  It is however, a much easier game to get into.

If it does well enough for a sequel, or if it is going to take the route of online shooter games and continually update, they need to do things in the various maps that let you interact with the universe. 

In the start of the third campaign the friendly NPCs are just background, I led the Aliens to them and there was no reaction to the Aliens or no reaction by the Aliens to the Marines.  Background NPCs need to move from one job to the other.  Some of your command in the ship is always in the same place etc.  That kind of stuff is trivial, but noticeable. 

The first division initially suffered this, got better with the DLC, and then by the second game it did feel much more immersive.  I doubt FTE will have the sales numbers that the division did though. 



What kinda annoys me too is seeing how f**king incredible the Engineer aesthetics are in this game - and all it did was make me want a proper game based around that. Maybe a self-contained, explorative survival-horror adventure that does what Prometheus couldn't. I just saw so much potential in the visual design.



Going solo still I made it to the weyland synthetics in the second campaign and things became very difficult with Alpha and Beta. Fighting synthetics and Aliens is too much for them.

It doesn't help that I never like fighting humanoid enemies in my Alien games.



Since one could argue that WY is the main antagonist of the Alienverse, it doesn't bother me when you have to shoot up company goons. 



Yeah I know, I just prefer player vs xeno gameplay.

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