Kind of what I expected. I've only played through the first campaign so far and got wiped at the end of the first level of the second campaign, so my opinion could sway up or down in the future.
I've played so far with only the AI bots, as I always solo these third person online shooters first to catch the stories and then replay missions with people.
I wasn't initially impressed with the first level, but found myself enjoying it more and more as the game progressed. It still isn't better than any modern third person online shooters that I have played like Division or Ghost Recon, but it isn't godawful in my estimation like I was worried it would be.
An oddity:
No lip sync. What the hell dudes. It's just odd as hell. Especially when you can walk by background models that you can't speak to and they are moving their mouths to talk to each other. So when you get dialogue with NPCs it just feels weird that there is no lip movement. If the game sells well enough I expect this kind of thing will be fixed in a new update but still.........just weird. Same with the background animations of certain characters. Characters should move around and do different task between missions. The powerloader has to be pretty freaking clean now.
Weird thing I liked:
AI teammates being androids. I mean, it makes sense. Especially since I played as technician. Reminded me of whats her name from defiance.
The story so far: There actually is some and it kind of makes sense. It's not as good as isolation because isolation felt personal to Amanda's character.
In third person online you are kind of just a spectator to bigger events happening around you. You influence things to be sure, but you are just a part of the story, not THE story like you would be in a survival horror or most FPS. The glory goes to your squad, not just you. Or at least that's the way it is supposed to go. If you John Wick your way like me then......So I've not been mad that so far that this hasn't been isolation. Though I can see how Marines vs Kenner Aliens would upset people.
Marine and universe lore. Still waiting for gigantic penis Army soldiers to make an appearance in the Alien universe, but this game so far has done a respectable job of building up background and lore for the Marine Corps and its role in future of US/UA history.
My ideal game now would be to have Marine vs movie Aliens where the Aliens move to outflank and outmaneuver you while you use your superior tech to put them down. This kind of game was my ideal game when I was 13.
It's not gorgeous but the aesthetic is very Alien/Aliens inspired. I can dig it.
Things I don't like so far:
Why in god's name would a pistol be a primary weapon? It makes no sense. Running around with a literal close quarters weapon as a primary and not vice versa is silly. I know you can insta switch so its not really any kind of big deal but it is literally one of those think about it things. Your primary should offer suppression and range over your CLOSE quarters weapon if it doesn't............then it is the cqw.
Mass swarms. The variety of enemy types are the only thing that saves the gameplay here. But when it is mostly runners or their variants it gets boring quick. Should've done some different gameplay sections where alien swarm wasn't the primary obstacle. Maybe it gets better later. But I'm guessing probably not.
It is one of those unfinished releases. Like most 3rd person shooters, there seems to be obvious plans for expansions. BUT this is a double edged sword if not enough people buy the game to warrant those seasons. Still probably better for the business, but shitty for the fan.
Anybody know how well it is doing?
Not scary. But this is part of the monster being cooked. We all know what the Alien is now and what it does. It is never going to be as scary as it once was, but this game doesn't try very hard to offer any fright.
Early take: 6.5/10. Not terrible. Not marque Aliens title either.
Definitely better than ACM but what is that really saying.
I'd put every other title with Alien in its name ahead at this moment (that I've played, and that is most of them, but not all).