Austin Wintory Soundtrack Preview

Started by BlueMarsalis79, Aug 03, 2021, 05:55:56 PM

Austin Wintory Soundtrack Preview (Read 8,568 times)



I'm really digging this


Sounds fun

Immortan Jonesy

I get the right vibes as well. This is absolutely spot-on.


Strangely sounds linear. I thought most games use dynamic scores. I hope it changes based on events and such.


I like that little bit starting at 2:23, its a nice homage to Alien without outright copying it


Love the James Horner influences and subtle Jerry Goldsmith cues.


Quote from: acrediblesource on Aug 03, 2021, 08:33:11 PM
Strangely sounds linear. I thought most games use dynamic scores. I hope it changes based on events and such.

It does do that.

Corporal Hicks

Hopefully we'll be getting a full OST release!

I'm really looking forward to seeing this get out there and hearing people's opinions on the Engineer stuff.


If it were possible, I would much would like to hear all his work on it before playing the game. 
I've really enjoyed Austin Wintory's music in the past, looking forward to hearing more.

The Necronoir

Quote from: XENOMORPHOSIS on Aug 04, 2021, 02:52:46 AM
Love the James Horner influences and subtle Jerry Goldsmith cues.

The score for Aliens: Colonial Marines did a nice job of that too. It was one of the few unqualifiedly great things about that game, and we were lucky enough to have the composer offer the whole thing free to download.



True that. ACM was a dumpster fire of a game but had damn good score  8)


I found it derivative and dull.



Go apologise to Randy

Hicks Lives

Hicks Lives

Now this is a good retro track for anything Aliens.

Immortan Jonesy

The Straunsen also deserve an apology!  >:(

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