What are the Empty Husks

Started by acrediblesource, Jul 30, 2021, 05:45:21 PM

What are the Empty Husks (Read 2,455 times)



Had these been revealed yet?




Look at the arms.

It's Abominations (Sean Fifield)



But has there been a screenshot or reveal?



This' the first I have heard of them.

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

That's a modifier card, right? I'm thinking it either turns all humanoid enemies into mindless, Fifield-esque monsters, or maybe just makes them behave like one. Doesn't necessarily mean they're an actual enemy in the game (although it's possible). Another possibility is that it turns downed teammates into AI enemies when you play it. World War Z has a similar mechanic.



I'm hoping it turns all xenos into those monsters, that would be neat. Looks like though it could be a 75% chance of a head shot card. Maybe they are boss type enenmies and the card just makes them easier to kill. If they are in the game we haven't seen any footage yet.They are probably in the 3rd map inside one of them Jauggernauts. I wonder what we haven't seen yet in terms of monsters.
Maybe the 3rd map is full of pathogen creatures and amplules.  You better not shoot at the amplulesLOL!!

Quote from: The Necronoir on Jul 31, 2021, 02:17:51 PM
That's a modifier card, right? I'm thinking it either turns all humanoid enemies into mindless, Fifield-esque monsters, or maybe just makes them behave like one. Doesn't necessarily mean they're an actual enemy in the game (although it's possible). Another possibility is that it turns downed teammates into AI enemies when you play it. World War Z has a similar mechanic.



Pretty sure they're a standard enemy and this is just a headshot bonus. I think they were mentioned as "Husks" in another enemy list. Empty ones are just easier to smoosh.






"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and saviour the Space Jockey?"



Quote from: Kailem on Aug 07, 2021, 03:13:14 PM
"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and saviour the Space Jockey?"

Mister T

Mister T

Apparently the space jockey missionaries don't take rejection well...  I just hope the mormons and jehova's witnesses don't take up the same tactic - I'd be getting my butt beat twice monthly.  I'm just kidding, of course. [looks around to make sure they aren't peeking through the window and secures aluminum foil deflector beanie with a third ground strap from the faraday cage]

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