Sure would love to see the WY commandos as a player skin!

Started by bobby brown, Jul 22, 2021, 06:49:14 PM

Sure would love to see the WY commandos as a player skin! (Read 542 times)

bobby brown

I needed to make a thread of this, to make sure the lurking developers here will see it.

Corporal Hicks

Yeah! I'm hoping the player customisation/armour sets are gonna be quite expansive, or get more expansive over time. Would love to be able to get in a Dog Catcher suit.


Prometheus Expedition uniforms! and David models!


It would certainly be pretty cool to play as a very android-looking android, just like the AI teammates you have when you're playing solo or with two players.

Even if that's not an option though, I still really like that the AI teammates are literally AI teammates. That's a great touch.


From the second trailer, this kinda looks like that outfit:


I'm still looking forward to rocking those Kenner Bishop synth shades myself.

The Necronoir

Quote from: RidgeTop on Jul 23, 2021, 03:50:17 PM
From the second trailer, this kinda looks like that outfit:

This was my immediate thought too. I assume we're going to have an increasing number of custom armour options like this as the content roadmap plays out. We already have "seasons" confirmed.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: RidgeTop on Jul 23, 2021, 03:50:17 PM
From the second trailer, this kinda looks like that outfit:

I'd forgot about that! Perfect. I'm happy.


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