Voice Actors

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 22, 2021, 01:26:11 PM

Voice Actors (Read 2,013 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Don't think we've really seen much about the voice actors for the game?

Here's one I just came across on Twitter - https://twitter.com/melissamedinavo

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Obligatory tough-as-nails Latino woman - CHECK! ;)



Should I start a betting pool on whether Lance Henriksen, William Hope, or both show up? :laugh:



Because they are such good actors and have already contributed to games before? or that it might get a few people talking and might get better sales..eheheheheh. Honestly, I thought it would but I'm sure the devs haven't even yet revealed the best parts of the game. *cough I still have hope isnt that sad?

Crazy Rich

Crazy Rich

Quote from: TheSailingRabbit on Jun 22, 2021, 01:51:04 PM
Should I start a betting pool on whether Lance Henriksen, William Hope, or both show up? :laugh:

Sure!  :laugh: In fact I never even noticed until using google that William Hope was in AvP2 as the Predator, AvP 2010 as Dr. Groves/Predator/Alien and was especially surprised to learn that he was in Alien Isolation as Marshall Waits.



Dr. Groves' so ridiculously corny and manically cruel, he's that distillation of W-Y Corporation nobody but teenagers likes, in that way it's influence from the AVP film's felt more than just narratively.



I always thought that Dr. Groves is a reference to Dr. Wren. Perhaps: - nasty behavior, humor; + cruelty and sadism.



Quote from: Crazy Rich on Jun 23, 2021, 06:52:08 AM
Quote from: TheSailingRabbit on Jun 22, 2021, 01:51:04 PM
Should I start a betting pool on whether Lance Henriksen, William Hope, or both show up? :laugh:

Sure!  :laugh: In fact I never even noticed until using google that William Hope was in AvP2 as the Predator, AvP 2010 as Dr. Groves/Predator/Alien and was especially surprised to learn that he was in Alien Isolation as Marshall Waits.

Should we get a poll in here, Hicks? Or should I go make a separate topic?

bobby brown

bobby brown

Quote from: Drukathi on Jun 23, 2021, 10:15:17 AM
I always thought that Dr. Groves is a reference to Dr. Wren. Perhaps: - nasty behavior, humor; + cruelty and sadism.

They also look identical!



I think Michael Fassbender would make an awesome DLC as a playable character as a David model for USCM or better yet if the Working Joes had their voice over guy from Alien Isolation come back and do his part for Seagson Synthetics.
Add in Amanda Ripley too.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks


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