Cold Iron Studio's Aliens: Fireteam Announced For Summer 2021!

Started by Darkness, Mar 02, 2021, 03:09:06 PM

Cold Iron Studio's Aliens: Fireteam Announced For Summer 2021! (Read 32,744 times)


Better for the visual character customisation and to separate itself a bit more from Colonial Marines would be my guess.


Quote from: Kailem on Mar 05, 2021, 12:57:26 AM
Better for the visual character customisation and to separate itself a bit more from Colonial Marines would be my guess.

But character customisation would benefit from how the other players see you and there could be some cutscenes when the mission starts/ends. Getting aliens to look as intimidating as possible would come first. If the aliens would attack more from behind then the size issue would be less critical but the gameplay showed mostly straight waves coming from forward.


Look how they massacred my boys.

Gentleman Death

After watching more of the gameplay I'd say the hype behind the game has gone down. I'll still buy and play it, but I was expecting a more in depth Alien game that I assumed was coming our way.


Quote from: reecebomb on Mar 05, 2021, 01:15:45 PM
Quote from: Kailem on Mar 05, 2021, 12:57:26 AM
Better for the visual character customisation and to separate itself a bit more from Colonial Marines would be my guess.

But character customisation would benefit from how the other players see you and there could be some cutscenes when the mission starts/ends.

Other players can still see you in third-person.



Quote from: Gentleman Death on Mar 05, 2021, 06:59:56 PM
After watching more of the gameplay I'd say the hype behind the game has gone down. I'll still buy and play it, but I was expecting a more in depth Alien game that I assumed was coming our way.

The last 4 years we've been expecting some sort of online-only loot shooter like destiny or anthem. I'm much happier with this alternative. Even if something with a lil more thematic depth like Isolation 2 would have been preferable.


Well I mean anything's better than that to be honest.


Yeah it's kind of a dodged bullet but this won't be making anyone take the Alien seriously again either unfortunately. Releases like Isolation/Cold Forge/Phalanx haved helped a little in that regard at least.


I can see the reviews now "Four hours?!"

The Hatchling

It feels like GTFO, but with acid bleeding Xenos...
Why not 6-3 player squad for multiplayer or single player campaigns?
Really hope it is not just online multiplayer... 


You can play with bots too, but no true Single Player.



I do like the look of the Engineer environment though, if nothing else I always enjoy exploring them, and also scrutinizing them. Ha ha 


Wish there was a deacon.


If only, The Pathogen makes for superb variety.

Valleys of petrified corpses, exploding humans and animals, every kind of Neomorphic being you can imagine whether human or animal.

Variations of Neomorph itself from Motes and Pods, variations of Trilobite depending upon whether from a human or the type of animal, variations on the Deacon.

And none of it, undermines the singular Alien.


Could've done a mode where you could be exposed to it. Spawn some horrid thing and start hunting your former teammates.

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