New AvPGalaxy Poll For April

Started by Darkness, Apr 01, 2004, 10:17:52 PM

New AvPGalaxy Poll For April (Read 12,261 times)



Yes, it’s April already. Another month, another poll. I didn’t want to be predictable with this poll but it seems to be the ‘hot’ topic at the moment. So who do you want to win in Alien vs Predator – the aliens, the predators  or the humans. Vote Now >>>

As for the results of the previous poll, people definitely want a PredAlien to make an appearance in AvP with 60% of the votes. Results on next page…

By the way, pages for Alien vs Predator have been updated with stuff from the official website. The Conceptual Artwork, AvP Gallery and AvP Downloads pages have been updated.

Update: The results of this poll are:
Aliens – 646 votes – 26%
Predators – 1534 votes – 62%
Humans – 295 votes – 12%

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No one is going to win.



dudes listen it depends in what the avp story is to put in a predalien,if a predalien is in this movie it would make no sense,this is about vrs predator its not about predaliens unless the story take place in a colony where the humans make a predalien.thats just what i think



Of course a PredAlien makes sense. It's a simple enough idea.   Facehugger >>> Predator >>> Chestburster >>>PredAlien  Some people seem to think that a PredAlien is made by humans but if you've played AvP2, then you'll know that a PredAlien is produced when a Facehugger facehugs a Predator. And by the way, Paul Anderson has already said there'll be a PredAlien in AvP.



I don't ever remember hearing that.



#5  Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "PredAlien?" and you'll find the quote from Paul Anderson.



You said it, Darkness!!!!!!!!! Predalien rocks!!!!!!!



yah i  know but,i dont want to see a predalien i want see something more creative than that.

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

Uh.. Like what? Don't tell me you want a friggin' predalien Queen.    ???    -Rusty Nails



Of course humans will win with the pred sacrificing him self to save the humans from the aliens.  Its that way or just the preds and humans teaming up to kill aliens.



Hang on!!!!!!!!!1 preds will never sacrifice themselves for other species well being, bar alien it's the most ruthal killing machine in the galaxy. one pred will co-op with the humans because the alien threat will get too overwhelming, remember the temple is in antartica because the preds know the climate is unbearable for humans meaning no interfearnce during their rituals. the temple will be destroyed at the end to wipe out any record the species were ever there and who is goin to beleive Lex



I think a pred might sacrifice itselfs to save another species. Preds do have some honor. (that's probably why they didn't just off danny glover at the end of pred2) they respect strong humans. if our lead herione proves herself to be just as capable as the preds or almost or whatever, then he may just sacrifice himself. I guess, i mean, that's what i think anyway   :D  



Thank you!  ill bet anything now thats what will happen.  I really feel thats will happen, youll see.  Still would love to see no humans whats so EVER! at the end of the movie and just have the 2 fighting tell the end.  But we all know at least 1 human will be alive.  I personally think 1 human a some aliens will be the last standing.



well according to this website it's been put back to december, so then we'll know   >:D   im extremley pissed off now



i know that humans are gonna win like other alien movies such as alien sries, independent day, martians attack, etc...... BUT I WISH PREDATORS WILL WIN AND ALIENS AND HUMANS GOT ANNILLATED!!!!!

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