The New Additional Scenes

Started by Darkness, Aug 11, 2007, 01:01:06 PM

The New Additional Scenes (Read 20,679 times)

PredatorKing 2776

PredatorKing 2776

I think that there might be another captive Queen Alien on board, with an egg sack and see lays a couple of eggs which attach to other Preds and make more Predaliens. (scary but it could happen) then with all of the hybrids running around the ship's mainframe control system crashes causing it to fall back to Earth in the small Colorado town. the hybrids escape as well as Queen who lays more eggs in town and normal looking (non hybrid) Aliens are born.  Second thought is the one Predalien sneaks to the controll system and destroys it basically doing what I said above, except there are no more Predaliens and there is still a captive Queen on board who lays eggs when she escapes in Colorado town and normal Aliens are born from humans.  Personally I think the first one is correct because someone from the AvP 2 movie production team stated that there could possibly be more than one hybrid. Also the fact that there is only suppose to be mainly one Pred, if the many hybrids don't go around killing like I stated in second idea then some Preds would have survived the crash. But with many Predaliens all Predators would most likley (sadly including the Elder, not Wolf) die.



This sounds a lot like the Predator: Bad Blood comic-book storyline. In that one, a Predator is instructed to go kill another Predator, on Earth, who's gone on a murderous spree. It not only kills humans, but kills its own kind. I suggest picking 'em up on eBay or something. That's what I was reminded of when they mentioned that this was a 'lone Predator sent to clean up the mess.'

Yautja boy

Yautja boy

Well PredatorKing 2779,i was skimming through a comic(or was it a book?)some years ago(can't remember where)and it said that the aliens did have a homeworld,but they were'nt at the top or bottom of the food chain,they where somewhere in the middle and the preds went down fully armored and the first thing they found where the alien eggs.Not sure how they worked,they brought them on bourd and overnight they lost 1/3 off there crue,creating the very first predaliens!.seeing there potential,they took the predaliens(who where locked in a section of the ship)to a desert world to hunt,and then found out they made hives in the canyons which had queens.Afterwords when they started finding newer races they whould use an egg,creating a new hybrid(drone),and when they found humans the drones they produced where the weakest of them all,so they started making the young(50 human years or so)hunt them for the blooding rituel.Then again,i could be blowing smoke up my own ass!   ;D  .

PredatorKing 2776

PredatorKing 2776

Intresting Yaujta Boy, I would have to look that up. I never actually believed they had a homeworld. But remember, according to you this was in a comic or book, not movies so who knows.


oh ummm wtf said that the Predators genetically engineered the Aliens?  cuz i'm PRETTY sure it was the Space Jockeys that genetically engineered the Xenomorphs, and eventually the Predators caught onto their sick plans and stopped them.  i like to think they shot down that Space Jockey ship onto LV-426 during their brief and quiet war with that race.    :D   what do you guys think

Slasher Predator

Slasher Predator

I think this will be a really good movie. Its being made with step 3 I named above. Its being based off or bringing back stuff from the old ones. Its going to be good.    ;D  

PredatorKing 2776

PredatorKing 2776

The Space Jockeys created the Aliens is the first Alien film, the AvP story line through the comics, books and movies, nothing is known about SJ. Anderson made it pretty clear in AvP 1 that the Predators created Aliens. Your theory could be correct too EpslionOrpheon the Preds could have killed SJ and took their experiments away for hunting purposes. I doubt that we'll see any homeworlds in AvP 2 or that the orgins of Aliens will be explain, but who knows?     8)  



wheres this damn trailer!!!!!!!! how long we got to wait, pull your damn fingers out fox and gives us the god damn trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i don't remember anderson specifically saying the Predators created the Aliens.  i mean he suggested that they've been "using" them for a really long time... but that's no different than what we know from the comics.  maybe they want us to fill it in the way we want hah

PredatorKing 2776

PredatorKing 2776

sorry, not anderson, by that I meant his movie. Lex tated that these creatures (Predators) specifically "bred" and brought these creatures to Earth to hunt. She said it while talking to Sebastian in the small hyroglific chamber. And yes they probally do want us to use our imaginations to make up what happened. ha is right, they just can't tell us the straight up truth.

Slasher Predator

Slasher Predator

I'm with YutaniMerc on this, I want the damn trailer too

PredatorKing 2776

PredatorKing 2776

we all want the trailer. it will come when it does, hopefully the end of this month.

Slasher Predator

Slasher Predator

Well, who's seeing Resident Evil 3? I have a feeling thats where it will be.

PredatorKing 2776

PredatorKing 2776

I ammmmmmm! maybe, thats in september i think the trailer will come out this month.



you know I was thinking (uh-oh) that despite whether AvP2 succeeds and even if there is an AvP3 ( one can hope)  I really think the only way we as fans of this genre are gonna get the movie that will satisfy everyone is to have a serious budget animated/CGI film. I think that is the only way you will have a successful adaptation of the graphic stories.  Here's my point: I have noticed a lot of slagging off of Paul Anderson about AVP, and while I do have to agree it was not the greatest I still liked it but from what I am led to believe Fox looked at and tossed out the window something like 40-45 script ideas a lot of which I am willing to bet were in the vein of the graphic novels but would have just been too much-much more than Fox were willing to spend on the idea.(More to come)

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