Alien: Isolation Sees Massive Spike in Players Following Alien: Romulus Release

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 21, 2024, 03:05:28 PM

Alien: Isolation Sees Massive Spike in Players Following Alien: Romulus Release (Read 2,158 times)


I've even noticed the ebay prices of Alien themed items have gone up since the release of Romulus. It's really gave this franchise a much needed injection it needed.


Been playing it on and off over the year with the VR mod its been fun. :) Anyhow great to see Romulus giving the game a newe player base, sort of same thing happened with the Fallout games after the show was a hit.


Alien: Romulus is breathing a lot of energy and life into this franchise and we love to see it.

The Cruentus

I just hope it doesn't breathe in the wrong energy. For example, when Alien Isolation was released and everyone saw how awesome it was, suddenly there was a little too much references to it in future media. Basically it got milked it.

Oasis Nadrama

This is so heartwarming to read. Alien Isolation getting all of the love it deserves.

The Cruentus

Now there apparently are rumors of a sequel to it.


That's cool! I also purchased this game after Romulus! I'm usually not a big horror game fan, but man this game is good! Scarier than resident evil 2 even. Also the "working joes" were arguably as scary as the xenomorph!

The Cruentus

The working joes were definitely breakout characters. They ended up getting put into other media, even upgraded or more advanced models have been using the joe appearance.

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