Bugs & Issues

Started by Mike’s Monsters, Oct 07, 2014, 07:58:15 AM

Bugs & Issues (Read 80,182 times)

lost dragon

lost dragon

Nothing major i can remember from the PS3 playthrough..

PS4 wise i had a body dissappear early on,after taking out a human male character, so couldn't search it

Encountered a PDA just floating,well fixed,in mid air, but could search that.

Nothing Fallout 3 or 4 level in this game,bugs wise,thankfully :-))



I experienced the exact PDA glitch on Console but nowhere on PC.



Yes, that floating objects bug is something I ran into as well on a handful of occasions. It's definitely related to whatever weapon/item you're holding when entering the area. One time I ran into a floating motion tracker, and switching on mine also turned on the floating one. Very weird indeed.

Considering the game is coming out on the Switch sometime this year, could another patch for PC be a (remote) possibility? I'm sure CA is aware of whatever bugs the game has and fixed those for the upcoming release.

The Old One

The Old One

I'm not sure it's deemed important enough to patch honestly, and the porting team is probably concentrating on doing just that.

judge death

judge death

In the menu screen with the gas planet on nintendo switch: is it suposed to have on the left side black area that moves to simulate the planet spinning? Instead of just pure black. HArd to describe it but looks like shivering black that moves. OR is my downloaded game of isolation bugged/corrupt?

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