Ridley Scott to Be Honored By the DGA!!

Started by Pvt. Himmel, Nov 29, 2016, 11:00:35 PM

Ridley Scott to Be Honored By the DGA!! (Read 8,866 times)

Pvt. Himmel

English director and producer Ridley Scott is going to be given the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Achievement in Motion Picture Direction award by the Director's Guild of America (DGA). This is a huge honor for the man who directed Alien, Gladiator, Prometheus, Thelma & Louise, and more, as it has only been given to 34 directors over the institutions 80-year history, the last time being in 2012 for Czech director Miloš Forman.

A statement from DGA President Paris Barclay reads:

Masterful in any genre, Ridley's groundbreaking methods and peerless directing instincts have brought to life some of the most memorable films of our time, capturing the resilience of the human spirit and captivating the hearts and minds of audiences around the world.

Over the course of four decades, his trailblazing career has demonstrated the impact and importance of the director's singular vision. For these reasons, and so many more, we are honored to present the Lifetime Achievement Award in feature film to Ridley Scott.     





Only by Alien and Blade Runner already deserves it. Two masterpieces that are total reference in the genre, besides other so many great films that have directed, of course. One of the best directors in active, and hopefully so for many years.


My favourite Sir Ridley Scott's movies:

Blade Runner
Thelma & Louise
Kingdom of Heaven DC
American Gangster
The Martian


1492:  Conquest of Paradise was really good, I thought, one of his more underrated ones.  I also love Legend a lot.


Hey I like the guy but do we seriously have to kiss his ass to get a bloody trailer soon? :P

Corporal Hicks

Congratulations to Ridley. I'm not a fan of all his work but damn he's made some influential stuff. It'll be a great one to add to his impressive collection.


Happy Birthday Sir :)



Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Thelma & Louise, The Duellists, 1492: Conquest of Paradise, American Gangster, Kingdom of Heaven,The Martian and I personally enjoyed Prometheus. Sir Ridley Scott is a master visual director... all his film are visual masterpieces.

Happy Birthday Sir Ridley.

Necronomicon II

He definitely deserves it, heck even his lesser films are still imminently watchable courtesy of his visual mastery.


Certainly a film years ahead of it's time, Alien alone warrants this recognition. A film with two separate fear - inducing entities, the iconic xenomorph and the seemingly alive bowels of Nostromo. If either of the two had been employed without the other, in my opinion the film would not have invaded nightmares so completely.

     Bladerunner is also a film with no equal. It is a film that has been in need of a sequel for decades now. Hopefully, the rumored sequel with Ryan Gossling will indeed happen. Ridley Scott's use of detailed model work in place of CGI is a landmark achievement in this classic as well as in Alien.

     One could write an encyclopedia of entries just like the ones above. The man is a visionary equal in his trade to the likes of Isaac Newton, Picasso or Hemingway.  All of this director's films are works of art...and Gladiator's Academy Awards should have been just another handful of Oscars to heap into the pile of all the others that should have preceded it.


This is my FIRST post in these forums!.

Hello to everybody!.

Sir Ridley Scott is My Favorite Director and Producer of All Time!.

I can't wait for ALIEN: COVENANT(3D). 8)

Corporal Hicks

Necronomicon II

Much deserved.


From 69th Directors Guild of America Awards.

'Don't worry mate. It's just a facehugger' ;D

Pvt. Himmel

Indeed. :)

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