Things We Enjoy But Others Seem To Hate - AvPGalaxy Podcast #32

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 31, 2016, 03:47:35 PM

Things We Enjoy But Others Seem To Hate - AvPGalaxy Podcast #32 (Read 17,512 times)


You guys really digged Predators, neat. I thought the movie was great myself. Also didn't realize that the original concept of "evolution" was dna harvesting. I think that idea would have worked better for how ugly the super predators were.

Plus tell Shevvie not to worry about his kids naming system. We had one guy down here who named his kid Buta. When asked why he would name his daughter that he said since he was a delinquent he knows for sure that she will become one too and the day she runs away from home he'll call us all up to go on a Buta Hunt. Sure enough we actually got that call a few years ago. Buta by the way means pig in japanese. Yea that guy is pretty messed up.


I had been wanting to get three world war, but after this podcast i checked the art preview and yeah... what were they thinking? Still not as bad as female war though.

Amazes me how awesome the cover art is on so many comics, I don't understand why there is such a huge disconnect between cover art and whats on the page.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: 420Buddy on Feb 02, 2016, 04:55:28 PM
I had been wanting to get three world war, but after this podcast i checked the art preview and yeah... what were they thinking? Still not as bad as female war though.

Just give it a go! Here's my review from back in 2010:


I may still pick it up, only because AvP War #0 was the first Alien/Avp/Predator comic i ever owned. So now an adult, with both AvP and AvP War collected ages ago, my inner 10 year old is begging me to get it lol.

I ended up collecting the 6 issues of AvP when they re-issued them in the late 90's. Those covers were terrible with the art in the comics being pretty decent. The cover arts for three world war are so badass though.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 02, 2016, 06:15:24 PM
Just give it a go! Here's my review from back in 2010:

Nice I was looking around for this. Did you review the Fire and Stone series, Hicks? I'm sure they're going to be kind of weak like all of the modern Dark Horse offerings, but I'd like to check them out at least.

It sucks that there are hardly any reviews of them on Amazon.

Edit - I found the Aliens: Fire and Stone review. Did you do the Predator, Prometheus, or AvP ones?

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 02, 2016, 07:21:21 PM
Edit - I found the Aliens: Fire and Stone review. Did you do the Predator, Prometheus, or AvP ones?

I've only done Aliens. I did start doing the others but to be honest I wasn't in the mood and I haven't gotten around to doing the rest. Whilst the individual series have lots going for them (and I love Prometheus and Predator), I found the whole series over all kind of deflating.

Quote from: 420Buddy on Feb 02, 2016, 07:09:54 PM
I may still pick it up, only because AvP War #0 was the first Alien/Avp/Predator comic i ever owned. So now an adult, with both AvP and AvP War collected ages ago, my inner 10 year old is begging me to get it lol.

I ended up collecting the 6 issues of AvP when they re-issued them in the late 90's. Those covers were terrible with the art in the comics being pretty decent. The cover arts for three world war are so badass though.

You really should give it a go! I think the scale of its is quite good! But Swanland is f**king awesome! It's a shame he didn't come back and do more!


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 02, 2016, 10:01:48 AM
You can't please everyone, no. But I also think having an us vs them mentality is a terrible way to consider a fandom. I don't agree with your opinions about Predators. I think you're completely off mark with them but I wouldn't force you to try and like the film. I'd try and sway your opinions with reasoned discussion - same as I'd try and let you sway my own opinions with reasoned discussion - but at the end of the day I don't see you (or anyone like you, I'm not singling you out) as an enemy or anything. That's the wrong mentality to have.

What I find surprising is that you think that PREDATORS is actually a hated movie because from what I've seen here on the forums, that a lot of fans really love that movie. But more and more, on this site and on Facebook-- I'm finding out that there are people who were disappointed or genuinely hated the movie. I'm still surprised because I keep on thinking that this movie is so loved and get's a pass because it's Robert Rodriguez.

But in regards to my experience with the fandom, I'm talking about this sense of... exclusion from the community. I'm not sure if you've seen it but I've experienced it and in regards to my love for certain entries, and anger towards others... I've actually been the target of ridicule from other fans, off-site from this forum of course. I've been hounded on Youtube, and even on Instant Messenger just for preferring AVP and AVP-R over PREDATORS and Prometheus, and where I think the franchise should go instead of where it's going now.

I can say that... while you and I do disagree on other things, I haven't exactly sensed any hostility coming from you and I am quite thankful for that.  :)


I'm not too keen on listening to podcasts, but I enjoyed it.  :)

What was the music you used in the ending? Seemed like Alien: Ressurrection to me.



I've had the chance to listen, and it's good work as usual.
First, let's talk about the music. Thanks for the tip about the AVP:CM soundtrack. Sounds great! I had no idea about it. Must have missed the memo... I've always loved the original Alien soundtrack. Goldsmith knocked it out of the park, I think. The use of horns and percussion along with the contrast between the sort of romantic theme for space and the Nostromo vs the music for the creature is quite striking. Some of the sounds Goldsmith used make the soundtrack stand out among its peers. I especially like The Landing and Parker's Death. Of course, I'm one of the people who fondly remembers the original LP soundtrack and had to have the 2007 2-disk set. The soundtrack in the movie includes some of Goldsmith's work on Freud. As most probably know, Scott had the tracks slotted for temprorary use and decided to keep them in the final movie over Goldsmith's objections. And the end theme was completely replaced. The experience caused a lot of hard feelings between Goldsmith and Scott.

The soundtrack for Aliens has its moments. Some of the sound is iconic, but a lot of that soundtrack comes over from Horner's work on Star Trek. The Federation, Khan, and the Klingons all seem well represented. I like the sound of it, so it's okay with me, but I can see where there might be some complaint. It's a Horner soundtrack from the 80s. That really sort of sums it up.

The work Goldenthal did on A3 is quite good. I won't argue with people about it, but A3 does not mean as much to me as the original or even Aliens.

I suppose that leads into the liking of A3 or not. I don't love the movie. I like the Alien chase at the end and I agree the funeral scene is brilliant. I'm not bothered at all about Hicks or Newt. The Magic Egg is what it is. The real problem to me is that the prisoners are hardened criminals. The Alien becomes a dispenser of justice. If the people had been ordinary miners or maintainers, even colonists, I would feel more for their plight. As it is, the Alien is killing them, and I think "good riddance." I feel somewhat badly for the doctor, the warden, and his assistant. They're more or less ordinary people doing their best. I can feel something for that. But as audience, any sympathy for the prisoners is stripped away through the course of the film until it doesn't matter what the creature does to them. As a movie, the assembly cut holds up far better than the theatrical release because the story is more complete. But I think, visually, the image of Ripley dropping into the furnace as presented in the theatrical release, with the queen popping out, works better than in the later version.

I enjoy the AVP director cut. It does what it does and I like enough of it to watch it once in a while. I sort of like the idea of Predators watching over humanity's development better than the engineers. I don't think they could have Aliens on earth without some of them getting out, though. And all that plays havoc with the idea that the Aliens are an unknown species. But I guess we have to sort of reassess. It appears that at least a few people have known about all these things for a long time before the Nostromo lands on LV426. At least that's the subtext. And instead of doing anything sensible, people always think they can somehow profit from messing with avatars of death. FWIW, the Aliens could only be 10000 times worse than these  :laugh:

Predators was fun. I enjoyed it well enough.I generally agree with Ridgetop about it. Like so many of these movies, it could have been better, but that's the way it is.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 03, 2016, 05:24:15 AM
What I find surprising is that you think that PREDATORS is actually a hated movie because from what I've seen here on the forums, that a lot of fans really love that movie.

From my perspective, all I seem to see are people complaining about it and hating on it.

QuoteI can say that... while you and I do disagree on other things, I haven't exactly sensed any hostility coming from you and I am quite thankful for that.  :)

Good! I'm glad because I certainly don't want to project any sort of hostility towards anyone. I don't think any of us should be hostile towards each other.

Quote from: Randomizer on Feb 03, 2016, 06:56:00 PM
What was the music you used in the ending? Seemed like Alien: Ressurrection to me.

It was the theme for Colonial Marines.

Quote from: Randomizer on Feb 03, 2016, 06:56:00 PM
I'm not too keen on listening to podcasts, but I enjoyed it.  :)

I'm exclusively a travel listener myself.  :P I'm glad you enjoyed it though!  :)


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 04, 2016, 09:24:32 AM
From my perspective, all I seem to see are people complaining about it and hating on it.

I would think that's only me as I am the only one vocal about on the forum. Facebook on the other hand... that's another story.

As much as I shit on PREDATORS, I'll give it one good merit... The track She's Paralyzed is damn good. At least the three minutes and twenty five seconds in are anyway.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Feb 05, 2016, 08:33:58 PM
ALIEN 3  :'(

Hey, I love Alien 3 too. Both versions of the film!


Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 05, 2016, 10:59:42 PM
Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Feb 05, 2016, 08:33:58 PM
ALIEN 3  :'(

Hey, I love Alien 3 too. Both versions of the film!

The obvious rejoinder here is that you both have every reason to love the movie. Like most everything under the Alien banner, it has things to recommend it. So it's not the most popular movie. OK. But hey, I really enjoyed Terminator Genisys; and all the naysaying on the internet won't change that. If you love A3, go on loving it! I think that was sort of the point of the podcast. And A:CM... Lambasted all over the web. But Shevvie says he played it for 300 hours! Let that sink in. We love what we love, and we don't need to justify it. ;D


Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Feb 13, 2016, 10:28:19 PM
But Shevvie says he played it for 300 hours! Let that sink in. We love what we love, and we don't need to justify it. ;D

While that is true.. I feel this... compulsion to constantly do that.

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