Things We Enjoy But Others Seem To Hate - AvPGalaxy Podcast #32

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 31, 2016, 03:47:35 PM

Things We Enjoy But Others Seem To Hate - AvPGalaxy Podcast #32 (Read 17,514 times)

Corporal Hicks

Just in time for a lazy Sunday evening or your Monday morning drive to work, we have uploaded the 32nd episode of the AvPGalaxy Podcast. We mentioned in our last episode that the first episode for 2016 would be devoted to the earlier Prometheus script, Alien: Engineers.

However, I decided to do something a little different for this episode and possibly something that makes you rethink your opinions of us! Things we enjoy but most other people seem to dislike.

Amongst the things we discuss in this episode is the comic Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War. This picture is one of Raymond Swanland's cover for the series.

Amongst the things we discuss in this episode is the comic Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War. This picture is one of Raymond Swanland’s cover for the series.

RidgeTop and I are joined by community guest Shevvie as we discuss 2 things that we all enjoy but seems to be disliked amongst the community. RidgeTop talks about the Alien vs. Predator films, Shevvie brings up Aliens: Colonial Marines and Alien 3 while I discuss Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War and Predators.

Shevvie mentions in the episode that the Aliens: Colonial Marines is available to download online. You can find the entire soundtrack on Kevin Riepl’s website.

We’d love to hear from you guys and girls. Do you agree with us? Are there other things out there that you love but that fondest just doesn’t seem to be shared? Please let us know down below. If you'd like to listen to any of our previous episodes you can find them all in the Podcast section.

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Another great podcast!

Don't agree with all of it, Fishburne  was terrible lol 

I always loved aliens genocide, the comic. I see a lot of dislike for it though, it was one of the first aliens comics I had ever seen and it hits a nice nostalgic spot for me.


Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to listen to this one yet.. So.. I'm gonna listen to this one later and offer my thoughts.


Aww I thought Fishburne was hilarious in a super cheesy way. I can watch it without getting annoyed though with me not being a huge Predator fan, I just dint take it seriously enough. Glad you enjoyed the episode 420Buddy!


Just finished listening to this, and I have to say that... I agree with what a lot of RidgeTop says.

Not much to really say but... aside from disagreements, well.. that should be obvious. It was a change of pace, instead of ripping what everyone hates, it celebrated which few loved. I would like to have more things like that. But alas-- I think this probably covers it.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: 420Buddy on Jan 31, 2016, 07:51:19 PM
Another great podcast!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy.

QuoteDon't agree with all of it, Fishburne  was terrible lol 

Quote from: Shevvie on Feb 01, 2016, 02:47:46 AM
Aww I thought Fishburne was hilarious in a super cheesy way. I can watch it without getting annoyed though with me not being a huge Predator fan, I just dint take it seriously enough. Glad you enjoyed the episode 420Buddy!

I couldn't say I agreed with that point myself  :laugh: but the point of this one was to get in your say about things like that. I thought it was a bit risky as it had a bit of potential to ruin reputations but I thought it was a pretty cool idea to do.

Quote from: 420Buddy on Jan 31, 2016, 07:51:19 PM
I always loved aliens genocide, the comic. I see a lot of dislike for it though, it was one of the first aliens comics I had ever seen and it hits a nice nostalgic spot for me.

I loved the novel more than the book - but that's generally the case for me. I feel spoilt by Beauvis so anything that doesn't come close to his visuals is ruined in my eyes.  :laugh:

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 01, 2016, 06:54:21 AM
Just finished listening to this, and I have to say that... I agree with what a lot of RidgeTop says.

I thought you might.  :P

QuoteIt was a change of pace, instead of ripping what everyone hates, it celebrated which few loved. I would like to have more things like that. But alas-- I think this probably covers it.

I don't think we're that negative are we? I just became very aware of more potshots than usual at Prometheus lately.

By the way did anything think this sounded too quiet or soft? Just had a complaint on Twitter about it.


i am also one of those who enjoy playing the buggy mess that is aliens colonial marines. I like the setting, the sounds and the atmosphere. Off course it´s nothing like what we were shown and promised but i have been waiting for this game ever since it was announced for the ps2. Its a buggy mess but i like it.

Eventhough its not what we were promised i still want another aliens colonial marines game because i believe it can become the game we all want/wanted, maby with someone else at the helm like creative assembly. You know someone who actually gives a s**t about the game they are making.


Lol what a broad topic you guys had to explore! Going to listen to this later today, and hot damn thanks for that soundtrack link.

As a rabid soundtrack junkie, I jumped all over it, and to be honest I can't remember too much of the A:CM music, but the title music alone was pretty memorable. It got me far more excited than I should've been to play that disaster of a game. ;D


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 01, 2016, 08:25:22 AM
I don't think we're that negative are we? I just became very aware of more potshots than usual at Prometheus lately.

Aaaaah, based on my interactions with the fandom... I would say it would be yes. Now this doesn't pertain to you as an individual but a collective of those whom I have interacted with, and the overall attitude I've seen. From my personal experiences, I've been pretty open about my love for AVP and AVP-R and well.. I've been met with harsh anger, stinging sarcasm, and treated as an overall black sheep. I could name names, but I won't.


I think after a ton of really low quality releases (starting with pretty much everything movie related that came after Alien3) the fanbase has pretty much become poison.

It would take something something truly great to come out of this franchise before people started to become positive again.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 01, 2016, 07:00:02 PM
Aaaaah, based on my interactions with the fandom... I would say it would be yes. Now this doesn't pertain to you as an individual but a collective of those whom I have interacted with, and the overall attitude I've seen.

Quote from: 420Buddy on Feb 01, 2016, 07:53:26 PM
I think after a ton of really low quality releases (starting with pretty much everything movie related that came after Alien3) the fanbase has pretty much become poison.

It would take something something truly great to come out of this franchise before people started to become positive again.

I thought you were referring to the podcast. No, I would agree, the fanbase over all is quite negative. Especially after Prometheus. And I'm talking about more than just here. I think Alien Isolation did a lot of instill some extra confidence in the franchise but what we really need is for a new film that is truly stellar.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 01, 2016, 09:01:25 PM
I think Alien Isolation did a lot of instill some extra confidence in the franchise but what we really need is for a new film that is truly stellar.

I've been fine with the majority of the films we've gotten, save for the current recent two releases we've gotten. I can't remember who said it on the podcast but they hit the nail on the head when they said if you just watch them as just monster movies, you'll be fine. I've always taken that approach to a lot of movies, I've grown up on monster movies and say what you want about Alien 3, Resurrection, and the AVPs, but I liked them. ....Resurrection, I just need to get the gumption to rewatch but can't for some reason. I think the fandom's opinion soured my own over it.

As for PREDATORS and Prometheus... It's no secret, that... I HATE Predators, and Robert Rodriguez. Prometheus, I used to genuinely like but my outlook on the film soured for a variety of reasons.

As far as a new film is concerned... I think we were spoiled with the original three films, being Alien, Aliens and Predator. They set the bar pretty high and so far no sequel to date has been able to meet that standard. I think as fans, we spoiled ourselves with these expectations. I mean it's hard to say what these new films are going to be like, and how... But I'll say this and it's an overall fact.

You can't please everyone.

Also... I just.. get this feeling that other fans want me to love PREDATORS and Prometheus, and I can't bring myself to do it. And if I don't love those films well... I'm prepared to being treated as a black sheep. I'll say this, I'm actually resentful of the fandom.. based on how it's treated me as a fellow fan. It's one reason why I'm going back to the TMNT fandom.


I agree with a lot said. That being said where your trekking with the whole Super Predators to replace the originals is kinda up in the air. I would like to see a more physically threatening Predator, but doesn't mean I think he should be throwing around Aliens or holding two of them by their necks kinda strength. An even match for an even better hunt hopefully one day!
I hope Ridley Scott didn't Prometheus over Blienkompth's Alien as like a hey my project my idea gonna wipe this with my ass kinda thing.
I enjoy his style, but by expanding the universe you'd have to becareful where you go.
End of Transmission!


Yeah nice podcast guys. You had a nice range of contrasting opinions.

@RakaiThwei, the Alien/Predator fandom is a bit of a Greek tragedy, man. It's also been going on long enough to have a serious clash of several different generations along with several different stages of Western culture and Hollywood.

I was still a lurker here when the first AvP film came out, but I can imagine it was pretty jarring for the older fans when the younger ones brought here by AvP began to show up. It's like the EU helped usher it into pure B-Movie monster schlock, which can still be fun but will cause some pretty serious rifts in any fan community.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: DarkXeno on Feb 02, 2016, 01:28:46 AM
That being said where your trekking with the whole Super Predators to replace the originals is kinda up in the air.

What do you mean, sorry?

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 01, 2016, 10:25:15 PM
You can't please everyone.

Also... I just.. get this feeling that other fans want me to love PREDATORS and Prometheus, and I can't bring myself to do it. And if I don't love those films well... I'm prepared to being treated as a black sheep. I'll say this, I'm actually resentful of the fandom.. based on how it's treated me as a fellow fan. It's one reason why I'm going back to the TMNT fandom.

You can't please everyone, no. But I also think having an us vs them mentality is a terrible way to consider a fandom. I don't agree with your opinions about Predators. I think you're completely off mark with them but I wouldn't force you to try and like the film. I'd try and sway your opinions with reasoned discussion - same as I'd try and let you sway my own opinions with reasoned discussion - but at the end of the day I don't see you (or anyone like you, I'm not singling you out) as an enemy or anything. That's the wrong mentality to have.

At the end of the day we're here (and in other communities) to discuss the things we enjoy. People need to ensure they've got an open mind and a mature attitude about it all. We're not all going to agree, that's a dead cert but we can be adults about it.

Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 02, 2016, 02:25:08 AM
Yeah nice podcast guys. You had a nice range of contrasting opinions.

Thanks. That's exactly what we try to achieve.

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