AvP Unrated 2-Pack DVD Artwork

Started by Darkness, Feb 28, 2008, 08:38:21 PM

AvP Unrated 2-Pack DVD Artwork (Read 20,335 times)



  ;)     ;D  Great cover,but why is Fox making so many copies of 1 DvD?   ???     ::)   They must be trying to get attention or something.   ;D     :D     8)  



@"Flare"thePredator  Maybe is the last AVP film.


This is dumb. Too many different versions. OT, just got me comp back. YAY!   ;D  

Sgt. Johnson

the only reason they made the regular release cover (the one with the stupid looking alien) look dumb is so that they want you to buy the more expensive one (this one)



This is ridiculous, on amazon in the U.S. theres another bluray of this set. Unbelievable!!!

Wolfs Girl

Wolfs Girl

I agree, why the need to put out so manny f**king different versions?? Why not just the regular copy and an unrated copy of the film for the whole world, and not a different version for every f**king damned country?? Just them trying to squeeze more money over gullible fans who would like a copy of the filme out. Pfft. me i'll just get the one unrated copy, f**k the rest, all we want is just the unrated version with extras. sheesh FOX damn you all to hell....

Wolfs Girl

Wolfs Girl

Edit(messed up the sentence) "Jeust them trying to squeeze more money over gullible completist fans who would like every differnt copy of the film out."

Wolfs Girl

Wolfs Girl

I've decided to order this version, I hope this means both films have the extra fottage added into the runtime of the film, if not,m I will be very pissed and think seriously of bombing the FOX offices (oh shoot now they spotted me using a terrorist call word..oh NO they'll be after me now!) *hides*

Johnny Handsome

Wow i think it looks great. 10 times better then the blue ray artwork. Looking forward to the unrated version.



As the person when to it entitle a choice is strange arranged, it starts to shout, that this choice is not necessary to it. Be defined and buy that you interests more.



hey guys, havnt visited the site in ages, hows things? avnt read much on the other articles but cud someone tell me if they have let us know what the added scenes in the unrated dvd will b?



That's better, nerd note that doesn't matter, the pred should have green seeing his blood is green and the alien series has always had blue, well for aliens. yeah the pred hand is from pred 2 but who cares, i want this!!



getting this !

abandoned as a facehugger

im never, EVER buying one of these alien or pred dvd collections.  in the uk, just before AVP-R came out, the "ultimate" alien/pred collection halved in price in stores to try and con people    >:(  

abandoned as a facehugger

But anywhos this one looks ok     :)  

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