Full Article in Fangoria Mag

Started by Darkness, Jul 14, 2004, 10:58:16 PM

Full Article in Fangoria Mag (Read 19,935 times)



damn i just hope the film kicks ass, i reckon the preds are gonna beat them aliens all over black and blue!   ;D  



PREDATORS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !...and u all know it.Aliens are gay, all u have to do is look at there piped structured head and there wormed second mouth that comes out of the other! While u have the Preds with all there shoulder guns and big shiny knifes sliding out of there hands and to top it all off there masks own.There heads are perfect for snazzling sleek masks. Can u people imagion what an Alien would look like with a mask on it, hmmm...   :)   retarded



For the alien 5 i guess that its easy to make a storyline but for the Predator 3 it isn



i juts love how bit the pred are! its so good!   ;D  



About the next Alien movies........I don't want to see the origin of them or the Space Jockey. I want them to keep the Aliens misteriosly. You don't have to know everything....just like you don't want to see the Alien too much. And MechanizuM: Just shut up, Pussy face.



I thought that in Aliens special edition where u get to see the people travel in that 4by4 machine to the alien space ship, that the actual space ship would of been predator made because aliens arnt advanced in anyway possible while the preds are miles ahead in technolagy.To know the Aliens origin would be cool but i think it would be better to know the preds because they are kinda like a high tech race while the Aliens are just another type of breed which dont really think, they only to stuff for the Queen and thats it.Drop dead jonatron.



I agree with whoever thinks that it would be a bad to have the space jockeys or aliens origins in the next movie. I would like to maybe learn more about the aliens like the physiology/ hive behavior/ how they see but they should still be left mysterious...that's what makes them so appealing. About the preds, here is my idea: wut if they don't have a homeworld like everyone thinks, but they just have like huge fleets of spaceships and they travel throughout the galaxy searching for game. And each clan has a particular fleet of ships or region of space they operate in, and there are some preds who are solitary; just traveling by themselves...



the fleet of ships have to come from somewhere, they cant just appear out of no where.



Great idea ElTiburon. But MechanizuM has a point. If that were the case for the predators, how will they build their fleet of ships? They have to have a "docking station" or "home" port some where.  Bringer of Death, thanks for the compliment and for the 411. I appreciate that. About the Alien's origin, I think it is a good idea to know just how that space jokey's ship got to the planet in Alien. However, going too deep into who, what, and from where the space jokey is, is going too far. I mean, introducing a whole knew alien species (space jokey) and going to war with them (Alien 5 and 6  plot right now) because they breed the Alien race that this franchise is about is, I don't know, it just doesn't seem right. It takes a lot away from the xenomorphs. Another thing, I don't think that Alien vs Predator should be connected with the Alien and Predator franchises. AVP should be a stand alone franchise. Then, the predators could be the breeders of aliens and all this crazy shit like in the comics and crap. Alien and Predator franchises, leave them be to the end. I don't know why Bishop is in AVP any damn way. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this......



Something like "28 Days later" with Aliens would be great.



Well what if the Aliens taken over the Predators home world and now the Preds have there last few ships left because all the Aliens kicked there asses on there home world and the last remaining Predators go to hunt them down.Other Predators get bored of hunting the same breed down so they come to earth for something different to do.Predator 2 proves there now a hunting race because of there skulls on the wall in the ship



I think their connecting the both species in one history, That



That new Alien in Alien Resurrection just destroyed it for me.I could of cryed seeing that mutated freak scratch the Queens face of..but i didnt because i was with my m8s at the time   :D  



Okay, maybe the preds have bases on different planets but no definitive home planet? I don't think they should even bother making an Alien 5...it wouldn't be worth it...Ripley is dead...her character is completely ravaged! they could have a new hero but where r they going to start off since A4 ended with them on earth?



  8)   M friends, Do ANY of you know ANYTHING in regards to a f**kin' alien / pred hybrid in this movie???? Rumors has it that YES! (Paul A. hinted that maybe?) I know there are some smoothe cats out there with skills so whats the scoop dawgs? Any pictures? drafts? (NO! not freaking home drawn shit either) ligit production shit!

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