How many times have you watched the original Predator in your life?

Started by JoelCraike12, Sep 17, 2024, 03:48:29 AM

How many times have you watched the original Predator in your life? (Read 1,187 times)


I have watched it so many times I have lost count


Local Trouble


Lost count but it's well into the double digits - maybe 40+ (once in the cinema).


Fully ? I'd say more than 20, less than 30.


I wore my VHS tape out back in the day.


yeah I mean this was a regular in my house, VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, Bluray, 4k UHD and streaming - I mean I must of watched this film at minimum 50+ times in my life - not an exaggeration either.

Though I have yet to see it in theaters on the big screen. Maybe it'll be rereleased for its 40th anniversary.


Infinite and counting. There was a period of time when I would put it on every night and fall asleep to it as background noise. Its really soothing.


I have no idea. Lots.


So many times.  I had it on VHS, DVD and BluRay.   Even more times than Predator 2 (and Predator 2 is my favourite).


An unreasonable number of times as a youngster, although it now occurs to me that I haven't rewatched it in years.


Probably 50.

Out of both franchises my most watched film.

Then maybe Predator 2.


Quote from: dnicholson277 on Jan 10, 2025, 11:04:38 PMProbably 50.

Out of both franchises my most watched film.

Then maybe Predator 2.

Predator 2 is far and away my most watched film with Predator in the title.

Hard to tell what it'd be for Alien though, other than that unlike most people, Rez might be in the running.


some dozens I guess, will probably watch once again this year


I've watched pieces of it too many times to count, but all the way through probably 50 or so. 

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