Is The Predator from 2018 the worst Predator movie yet?

Started by JoelCraike12, Sep 16, 2024, 09:39:44 PM

Is The Predator from 2018 the worst Predator movie yet? (Read 2,520 times)


Man that movie was the worst Predator movie yet IMO


I saw it once, tried to watch it again, and stopped.

I can't say that of any of the other movies. Even AVPR I have seen a few times.

Waste of some great actors.

The best part of it is some parts of the score. The rest of it can burn in the fires of Hell.

Nightmare Asylum

Worst, and by such a significant margin that it really can't even be uttered in the same breath as the second worst standalone Predator movie (Predators).


AvPR is worse.



The leaks were enough to make me not see the movie. I'm not sure if I should feel like if I dodged a bullet, but knowing things about an alternative cut and the intended ending... Weeell... I generally agree with the consensus that it's the worst Predator to date.

People can shit on AVPR all they can, but at least it didn't have a giant Predator trying to kill a small boy just to inject himself and weaponize autism.

Someone needs to get the master reel of the movie and burn it.

Nightmare Asylum

AVPR is just as bad/worse. I've only seen each of the two movies one time. They're both garbage.


Quote from: SM on Sep 16, 2024, 10:29:16 PMAvPR is worse.

That's like asking someone "which pile of shit smells worse?"

Of AvPR I can at least say this... It's schlocky in a grotesque b-movie way that some carnal fun can be derived.

The Predator is just flat out stupid... and honestly it was sorta boring in a way? I think it was all the jokey humor. There was no real tension to it. It just felt flat and lifeless.


The jokey humour and slightly more interesting characters elevates The Predator above AvPR.  Just.


The Predator is to Predator alot like what Resurrection is to Alien, but unlike Alien, it has only one good scene and what remains of the movie is not so bad it's good or funny or cool, just boring and unfunny with crazy implications for the other movies and the universe of that franchise as a whole.


The Predator deserve what it got, but no one can deny there's at least some effort to write characters a bit.


Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Sep 17, 2024, 11:11:48 AMThe Predator deserve what it got, but no one can deny there's at least some effort to write characters a bit.

I guess. The problem is the writing is awful, and the jokey humor sabotages any and all tension.

The jokes stopped in Predator as soon as shit got serious. Nobody was joking around once Hawkins and Blaine got taken down. You could cut that tension with a knife.

Predator 2 is a little different, because the awareness of the creature various among the characters. Keyes' is fully aware and he takes the situation very seriously. Jerry is a little bit more fast and loose, because he's thinking this is just another day in the life of being a big city cop. Gang violence. Not space monsters. Harrigan is taking it seriously as soon as his partner dies... and nobody is joking during the actual scenes involving the Predator. They're scared, panicked.

Alien Resurrection is the best comparison. It is so tonally off with the previous three films. That is precisely what I felt about The Predator. Just... Not there, man. Not there at all.


Quote from: OpenMaw on Sep 17, 2024, 12:23:43 PM
Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Sep 17, 2024, 11:11:48 AMThe Predator deserve what it got, but no one can deny there's at least some effort to write characters a bit.

I guess. The problem is the writing is awful, and the jokey humor sabotages any and all tension.

The jokes stopped in Predator as soon as shit got serious. Nobody was joking around once Hawkins and Blaine got taken down. You could cut that tension with a knife.

Predator 2 is a little different, because the awareness of the creature various among the characters. Keyes' is fully aware and he takes the situation very seriously. Jerry is a little bit more fast and loose, because he's thinking this is just another day in the life of being a big city cop. Gang violence. Not space monsters. Harrigan is taking it seriously as soon as his partner dies... and nobody is joking during the actual scenes involving the Predator. They're scared, panicked.

Alien Resurrection is the best comparison. It is so tonally off with the previous three films. That is precisely what I felt about The Predator. Just... Not there, man. Not there at all.

In The Predator Nebraska was a decently written character with a conclusion that worked IMO.



Next question.


For it to be the worst, there has to be more than one bad entry.
I love the first two films. AVP was awesome, AVP-R not so much.
Predators is a great film. I've only seen the new one, twice, I think.
I haven't seen Prey yet.

Honestly, the only "bad" entry is AVP-R, for me at least.

Oasis Nadrama

I'm so curious about this movie. I didn't see it when it came out, I was never much of a Predator fan. Now I'm planning to do a complete retrospective of the movies with a friend, which means I will see The Predator. A lot of curiosity really.

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