Pro's and Con's of Predator 2

Started by Predator Eldar, Mar 21, 2007, 07:44:33 AM

Pro's and Con's of Predator 2 (Read 8,831 times)


Quote from: [cancerblack] on Jun 15, 2024, 12:57:11 AM
QuoteCons of Predator 2

I dispute the premise of this thread.
I stand by you brother



All pros, no cons... love it!



Still the best Predator follow up, and probably always will be.



That roof scene where the pred shows his back to Harrigan annoys a lot of people, but it was due to time and budget , that scene was supposed to be longer with the pred and Harrigan leaping toward other roofs.In the script it was credible, but in the final cut it doesn't.



Quote from: Yautja888 on Jun 16, 2024, 10:37:12 AMThat roof scene where the pred shows his back to Harrigan annoys a lot of people, but it was due to time and budget , that scene was supposed to be longer with the pred and Harrigan leaping toward other roofs.In the script it was credible, but in the final cut it doesn't.

Wow I have seen the film a million times and never even thought about the "showing his back to Harrigan" scene.



I've never heard of anyone being annoyed by it in the last 25 years since I first saw it.



Same. The predator is badly wounded and in need of medical assistance, turning his back for a few seconds to breathe with his oxygen thing is not really difficult to tolerate for the audience.



Especially after just trying to murder Harrigan with the spear.



Never heard anyone have an issue with that scene either lol.

Cons - The wonky animatronic eyes in a couple closeups.

I prefer the shoulder cannon effects in the original. Look a lil bland in this one imo.

I've always loved this film but the original will always be my favorite.



Yeah the practical effects of the shoulder cannon projectile always looked more like a mini rocket than a laser.



There are lots of cons in the movie:

The animatronic closeup face is cartoonish.

The Roman candles for the shoulder cannon are weak.

The story lacks any sort of mystery or tension because the Predator is added too soon, shown too much, and yet the plot revolves around a police investigation trying to find out who a killer is.

Harrigan does basically nothing to drive the plot until the last half hour.

One of the best scenes in the film is taken wholesale from ALIENS.

The film builds a tremendous sense of energy in the opening scene and then squanders it with stop-start action.

The mood-destroying one liners are ramped up and delivered at the worst possible moments.

The score is very poorly utilised in many places (although beautifully used in others)


Predator 2 is my favourite and I grew up right in the zeitgeist with Predator and think it's almost a perfect film in itself.

The thing with Predator 2 is that it goes HARD.  It's full of memorable characters, fun set pieces and massive moments.  The setting just works.  Hot and humid LA with all the gang warfare stuff. 

If you look at Prey, which people inexplicably loved, it's so tame compared to Predator 2.  I don't think you'll ever get a film in the Alien/Predator/Terminator franchises that ever hits this hard again.

Pros:  everything

Cons:  the skull that sets up the AvP series

Russutja of the HOTU Clan

I think Predator 2 is beyond underrated. I don't get the hate for the film (I know a lot of fans have warmed to it in recent years). Yeah, some of the performances aren't great but I love City Hunter and the Yautja lore that's added. Plus, I dig Harrigan and Keyes, and even minor characters like King Willie or Tony Pope. I feel it is a worthy follow up to Predator.



P2 is a guilty pleasure of mine and one of my favorites in either franchise. I don't know what it is, just the urban environment and quirky way it sucks me in. Idk fun I guess? Outlandish? Over the top?

With that being said though I see why others don't like it. It's an extremely flawed film. Feels like a comic brought to life.



What I like about P2 is the smart move of setting it in the city.
The opening scene where the supposed jungle switches to the big city is as simple as it is ingenious.
I like CH design just as much as JH.
I like the Soundtrack almost more than in P1.

the characters are completely exaggerated. this also applies to P1.
OK, that was the marines in A2 too, but in P1 and especially P2 it was far worse.
This whole behavior sometimes seems like a comedy. it is not very sophisticated and makes it cheap.
they all somehow behave like the characters in A4.

the expanded honor code in p2 didn't work for me. and it generally never worked for me.
Anyone who hunts down their victims almost invisibly doesn't need to talk about honor.

At the end of the day, CH is just as much of a fool as Feral. There are several moments where he could have hunted down Mike but no... it doesn't fit the story in which there has to be a hero.

I think P1 and P2 are absolutely equivalent.
I like both to a certain extent.
P2 is much better than Prey and I think the reason for its failure was more because P1 had Schwarzenegger. After its release, no rooster crowed for the Predator creature. Arnie was the star. The fan cult surrounding the Predator only developed many years later.
I would imagine that if P2 was released today it would have received more recognition.

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