Again I think our perspectives just differ on this subject. I only see the original films as my canon so to speak. They successfully established what a Predator is, the design, the hunting, the style, the nature as well as the films structure and formula. Hunting grounds (which I love the game) is just a game to me and holds no real relevance to canon.
OWLF was a fun addition to P2 but in the end they failed, outsmarted and out maneuvered. Predators are the superior species here, they are the hunters. Once you introduce the idea where humans hunt predators you've essentially destroyed what makes a Predator to begin with. Robbing them of their purpose and quite literally their name.
Its one thing when a human rises and stands against this superior species and wins but its another thing entirely when humans are now the superior force hunting the Predator. Predator by definition is, an animal that naturally preys on others.
Point is we wont see eye to eye on this subject, and to repeat what I mentioned in my other posts on this subject "What I do think the deeper discussion truly is here at its core is from the way it sounds from other posts throughout the forum, are that certain people want change whether that be to the Predators themselves, the stories, the action, the face design, their hunting style, their codes - all in all new changes for a new predator, literally and figuratively... Where others like myself want to stick with what made the original films classics and Predators so special, sticking with the formula that has been proven and proven with established success. I want to see the Predator I know, new and unique but following the Winston design, in new stories but hunting the way we have seen in the originals. That is Predator."