New AvP2 Picture + MTV Interview

Started by Darkness, Sep 11, 2007, 04:49:38 PM

New AvP2 Picture + MTV Interview (Read 18,104 times)



mainly cuz of the budget and they wanted to make Ian White move around easier

Commander Griker

OMG they read my mind  Type the words "Alien" and "Predator" into Google, and three thoughts on the state of the franchise become clear: The fans consider 2004's "AVP: Alien vs. Predator" to be a mockery of all they hold dear; they maintain hope that some filmmaker, someday, will capture the magic of the comics, novels and video games that established the brand; and finally, that the new red-band trailer for December 25's "Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem" kicks some serious ass.



it sounds like they've made a kickass f-ing movie!!!!......I'll be there at the midnight release.

Tundra Wolf

Tundra Wolf

Shit-this could be great, I`m so hoping that the female character is NOT a Ripley clone, why not introduce a GREAT actress that doesn`t look, sound and act like Sig. Weav.? There are so many possibilities for a strong female lead without reincarnating past movie`s characters!!! The jury is not out in my session over this PredAlien design. Wouldn` t it be great to have a Predator that is as agile and nimble as the first one in "Predator"?



Well,if you look closely behind the alien you can see the tubes.The preds in AVP are 50 whereas the ones in P1 and P2 are 300,500 for the elder,and maybe 130 for the star pred of P2,so of course they wore a lot of armor!.All aliens are asexual,(read the novel ALIEN 3).

Gill Predator

nice pic i love it   ;D  



  ;D   if a third film is planned these guys had better be at the helm!!!!!!!!!!!!  the first one put a me off quite a bit. But after seeing seeing the trailer and these pics Requiem looks to put the first one in the grave and build its own franchise, the RIGHT way    ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D     ;D  



Hmm....sounds like the bros are going to have drones (or at least the predalien) turning people into eggs... a la the deleted scene from Alien. Not sure how I feel about that. I've always been against that idea, but I'm open to giving it a chance.  Other than that, it sounds great to me. Bursting a kid = very daring choice for thier first movie, and I hope they do the scene well and it pays off for them.


doesent anyone notice that the alien is a litle small??? it's most likaly a dog/alien    ;D   if ya don't believe me compare this pic with the pic were the alien is on the car(wich looks fabulous I may add)   :D     ;D  



Everyone is gonna scream in the theatre when this comes out. We have been waiting for a film like this for years and im too excited..Im glad they didnt put too much in the trailer i want to be suprised at sum point..

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