Possible Predator song? — Iron Maiden

Started by ArthropodHopper, Sep 27, 2024, 02:02:57 PM

Possible Predator song? — Iron Maiden (Read 346 times)


The heavy metal band Iron Maiden in 2000 released the album "brave new world", on this album one song named "the mercenary" features lyrics that seem to be inspired by Predator. Some of the first lyrics of the song mentions "Diablo", similar to the movie predator where Anna says "El Diablo, cazador de hombres", after that, Bruce (Iron maidens singer) sing "to make trophies out of men" yet another striking similarity. The song continues with "lose your skin lose your skull, one by one the sack is full" and as we all know the predator skins humans and take their skull and spine. After that Bruce sings "In the heat dehydrate", in the movies it is said the predator appears on the hottest years, although I will admit this line is a bit more far fetched. After a while Bruce sings "watch the jungle burning bright", and Predator is set in a jungle.

So what do you guys think? Is the text just similar or to you think it was at least partly inspired by Predator?


Good shout! Interesting thread here discussing it as well https://www.reddit.com/r/ironmaiden/comments/109fytx/the_mercenary_song_discussion/

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