Firstly, i'm fan of ABBA music. I consider their songs as very optimistic and touch and just very good overall.
Secondly, for myself they mean a lot. Whatever happens in my life ABBA songs always make me happier. If you'd like to know how i fell in love with them here's my story: few years ago i heard "Happy New Year" during the music lesson at school and i liked it. Then in 2015 Martian came out and there was "Waterloo" that as i later realised also is ABBA song. So, i remembered that music lesson and on the 31st of December i was watching fireworks and listening "Happy New Year"... Oh My God, in that moment i wished all the world starting singing that song. And i found another songs in the Net and loved them more and more and more. Oh, and when it was last days at school (exams already passed, preparing for entering to university) i listened "Disillusion" and it resonated with me so much because of that feeling that something needs to be left behind for further moving.
It's weird because i still hardly can unterstand songs in English so i just more into sound of their voices then text. If thinking about personal favorite songs i have several: "Happy New Year", "Waterloo", "Mama Mia", "Kisses of Fire", "Disillusion", "Bang a Boomerang", "As good as new", "Crazy World", "Dancing Queen", "Dum Dum Diddle", "Free as Bumble Bee", "She is my kind of girl", "I'm just a girl", "Nina, pretty balerina", "To live with you", "Money" and many others.
I know everything

seems like i'm writting more about my personal experience then about songs themselves but i try to express how important they are for me and to share it with others. And i especially try to know are here any fans of ABBA apart from me? What kind of story YOU had with that music?
Don't be shy, just write something !