Alien: Covenant in Upcoming Magazines

Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 21, 2016, 04:26:02 PM

Alien: Covenant in Upcoming Magazines (Read 83,528 times)

John Doe

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

QuoteMy interview with Alien:Covenant and Fantastic Beasts star Katherine Waterston is in today's @timeoutlondon #aliencovenant #fantasticbeasts





Quote from: CainsSon on Apr 20, 2017, 11:47:06 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 19, 2017, 06:21:19 PM

This issue also includes:

* An interview with ALIEN: COVENANT screenwriter John Logan

* An examination of the psychosexual nature of the ALIEN universe

* In-depth introductions to ALIEN and COVENANT director Ridley Scott, ALIEN screenwriter Dan O'Bannon and artist H.R. Giger

* Tributes to the incredible creature design of the ALIEN franchise, including the xenomorph, chestburster, facehugger and Engineers

* An exclusive look at the making of ALIEN: COVENANT

* Tons of one-of-a-kind art, including Mondo works-in-progress for some of their most popular ALIEN prints

* and lots more!
MONDO is making these available at the ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE screenings of COVENANT in Brooklyn, plus a Pint Glass, Tiki Mug, Pins etc.

My copy arrives on wednesday, i cant wait. Then i can finally watch covenant on friday.

Corporal Hicks

Covenant will be featured in Cinefex so keep an eye out for that!


So i recieved my mondo movies.birth.death magazine. Overall its pretty great esp for the price but the images throughout look overly dark and i wasnt blown away by the art.

Corporal Hicks

How's the Logan interview? Any good insight?



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 18, 2017, 09:19:05 AM
How's the Logan interview? Any good insight?

Its okay, nothing too interesting I thought. There were some great questions asked but I didn't feel very satisfied by some of his answers. 


He does say it's an origin story for the alien.

It does sound like he and Ridley were really passionate about making a good story. I would say though that after reading it I think Logan is a fan of the franchise for different reasons than me, if that makes sense.

He also says hes working on the script for the sequel. When asked if we'll see the engineers in the future he said "That would be a giving you a clue to what im writing now."

Corporal Hicks

Thanks, Echo. That could go either way quite easily.

Corporal Hicks

A little tease for the next issue of Cinefex and pre-orders are now available. Got mine pre-ordered.  :)

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