Alien: The Adora Files

Started by Darkness, Nov 13, 2014, 03:13:32 PM

Alien: The Adora Files (Read 24,635 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

End of April was what he was aiming for.

Apparently the film will be out tomorrow!

Felix is uploading now. He was having issues with it yesterday. Hopefully today goes well.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

The film is now online. I haven't watched it yet.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I enjoyed that. The digital backgrounds were fantastic, some great CG there. All the props and the costumes looked great! As did the Alien suit. I quite enjoyed the Captain's acting too.

It does feel like the story had more to it than than could be done properly in the 15 minutes which let it down. But as far as a tribute it was very lovingly done and you can see that.



Impressive space-based CGI, but the rest of it seemed very 'Mortal Kombat'-like. The disconnected fashion of the scenes and constantly running credits made it unfortunately feel more like an extended trailer than a self-contained story.

Never say no to Panda!

Same here. Liked some CGI scenes, but the rest is kinda underwhelming. Of course it's "just" a fan project, so kudos  8)



Have you been holding out on me, Aaron? Why are you and your pal in the credits? What did you do?

I thought it was going to be in realtime and not a report with flashbacks. There was way too many different things happening on the Adora when we finally got to that stage and none of them were really explained. The credit scenes seemed a bit bizarre to me as well. I think there should have been flashes with what's happening on Adora to the guys in the forest but the credits should not have been there. I loved the Predator cameo appearance and the space CGI is pretty good. The digital magic in it is kinda slick looking.



>Not dedicating it to H.R. Giger.

2/10 would not bang.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Xenomorphine on May 15, 2015, 01:32:15 PM
Impressive space-based CGI, but the rest of it seemed very 'Mortal Kombat'-like. The disconnected fashion of the scenes and constantly running credits made it unfortunately feel more like an extended trailer than a self-contained story.

If I remember rightly the original project was a 3 minute kind of thing. I do agree though. Whilst I loved the look and feel of it, the story didn't really feel right. There were about 4 sets of stories in there without time to really do anything with them. Obviously we can infer it all but its not the same. I thought the switch between found footage and "traditional" was a little jarring too.

I think with the next one, Felix should pick a single story and try and develop that within the runtime and settle on a single style. Personally I'd love a found footage film. Just some creative criticism.

Quote from: Darkness on May 15, 2015, 04:04:00 PM
Have you been holding out on me, Aaron? Why are you and your pal in the credits? What did you do?

It says what we did in the credits. Some voices. I did the interrogation during the opening. Chris did the Adora Captain and the A.I.

Quote from: Gate on May 15, 2015, 05:18:44 PM
>Not dedicating it to H.R. Giger.

2/10 would not bang.

That's harsh mate.

Corporal Hicks



If you want an honest review, I thought it was fun to watch but you can really tell the production was rushed at some point. I'm assuming they wanted to meet deadlines.



I was waiting for the credits to finish and the story to begin, and resolve all these random elements into something.

And then it ended.

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