Alien: Paradiso

Started by Slutty Badger, Sep 18, 2024, 04:47:22 PM

Alien: Paradiso (Read 9,357 times)

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

Quote from: SM on Dec 14, 2024, 08:50:11 PMUnlike
a Colonial Marshall HQ in the Zeta Reticuli system. Wut?

Well, the Zeta Reticuli System is in United Americas territory, and the Colonial Marshals are a UA organization, so that sounds logical to me.



Yes having more even more things happening in that backwater system makes perfect sense.

When do we get to Nostromo crew family member?

Slutty Badger

Slutty Badger

Quote from: SM on Dec 14, 2024, 09:37:41 PM
Yes having more even more things happening in that backwater system makes perfect sense.

Yes, I suppose it is getting ridiculous at this point.



If there's a point in a later issue fair enough.

But think it's a safe bet there won't.



Quote from: SM on Dec 14, 2024, 09:37:41 PM
Yes having more even more things happening in that backwater system makes perfect sense.

When do we get to Nostromo crew family member?
is about Kane's daughter so issue #2 probably introduces her proper if the solicit is anything to go by






The overall story still seems to be chugging along okay.  Art continues to be the usual bland Marvel standard and Aliens are action figures.

Then the shit about Kane's daughter.  f**ks sake.  The WY guy saying 'Due to legal complexities' and the wife asking 'What happened on that damn ship?'  The ship was lost in space.  Why would she even ask the question and why is the guy talking about legal complexities. They work for Marvel but don't know about optics and talking points? Utterly shithouse writing before you even get to the fact they're trying to shoe horn another relative in.



I like the series so far. It's a typical alien story except its not set on a space station. That's a nice change.

Art is okay, but it's a subjective thing. We've had Kanes son, now we have kanes daughter  ;D

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I had been enjoying the second issue well enough until the daughter shows up. I don't remember her being mentioned at all in the previous issue? I just remembered who she was from the solicitations. I really do hate it.

But I'm enjoying the dynamics between the Marshals. The plot has had a nice enough pacing. The artwork continues to be good, though I'd wish they'd make the Alien taller than everyone. There's a panel with some strange looking perceptive when the Alien gets

Though I did like someone attempt that and suffer the consequences.



The character was there in the previous issue as one of the bad guys muscle, but I think this is the first mention of who she is.

The rest of the series has to be really, really good to make up for it.



I get the problems that people have with kanes daughter in it. She wants answers, she is out for revenge. It's very similar to a certain Amanda Ripley wanting to know what happened to her mother which the whole premise of alien isolation is about.

There's a serious cover up by WY as to what happened with the nostromo. Without too many spoilers for isolation most of us know what Amanda went looking for on the station. It all ties in with alien paradiso in its own way which I like. Kanes daughter wants answers as did Amanda. She was on a derelict station and kane is on a so called paradise planet.

You can add in alien romulus which is another connection with the nostromo and indeed big chap.



I don't recall any of that in this comic and if it is, it just shows how  derivative and unoriginal the writing is.



Quote from: SM on Jan 22, 2025, 09:56:27 PMI don't recall any of that in this comic and if it is, it just shows how  derivative and unoriginal the writing is.

It's not that all of it is in this story but we do know from other sources that WY did cover up the nostromo which is kinda alluded to here. I like that this series is connected to the wider universe.



Whoever issued special order 937 would cover that up no doubt, but even hinting there was some grand cover up beyond that is lazy and boring and undone by the events of Aliens.



I think Paradiso has been meh so far unfortunately. I really like the idea to use the marshals but I don't think those characters are being used to their potential. Having Kane's daughter as a mercenary just feels like a lazy way to add significance to the plot and at this point the familial connections to the films is beyond tired. It's not that Tsula is a bad character, but she could work without the Kane connection entirely.
A flashback shows Tsula overhearing a company rep telling her mother that her family was only entitled to Kane's life insurance policy, which I'm going to assume is not a lot, and her mother breaking down while telling her the universe is cruel. These panels would still work if you removed Kane and the Nostromo from the conversation. We know that the Alien Universe is harsh for everybody. I think Tsula could have been a great story to tell about people turning to a life of crime to survive and that on it's own would be enough for her character.

I do like the interpretation of Alien-vision. I don't think we have seen anyone try to do an alien's POV in the comics, at least not that I remember. Might not be for everyone but I commend the effort in trying something new.

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