Swarm Map Pack + PC Patch 3

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 20, 2010, 09:33:17 AM

Swarm Map Pack + PC Patch 3 (Read 17,512 times)



Total bullshit the disc &caster power has been reduced.  Its ALWAYS the Aliens who win.  Is there a patch to stop their ridiculous tail hit that means you cant move &they get another 'free' hit-No.  A patch to stop the same Alien running across the map at warp speed and killing me as I re-spawn and cant move?-No.  What a joke. >:(



If you have Predator and you cant pwn them aliens you are doing it wrong I am afraid ;)  .



True the Predators do seem to have an ongoing advantage and require less skill

Fear the Doctor

Fear the Doctor

I play as the alien and get rinsed regularly. Fair enough, I win more than I lose >:D

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