Alien (1979) Vs Predator (1987)?

Started by JoelCraike12, Sep 16, 2024, 01:20:53 PM

Alien (1979) Vs Predator (1987)? (Read 1,413 times)


Which film do you prefer? ALien (1979) or Predator (1987)? Its definitely Predator for me all the way!!!


Love them both, but Alien all thw way for me


Quote from: JoelCraike12 on Sep 16, 2024, 01:20:53 PMWhich film do you prefer? ALien (1979) or Predator (1987)? Its definitely Predator for me all the way!!!
I love both films. It depends on my mood. Do I want space horror, or do I want jungle action dripping with testosterone?  :laugh:



Alien is the better movie in every way





Predator not a question for me, for many reasons, one being I love jungle hunter. Alien is amazing as well.


I like Alien more, I think it holds up better —both visually and story-wise— but predator is also great! Sometimes I'd rather watch Predator, it depends on my mood; Alien for horror and characters, and Predator for suspense and action.


Alien by a million miles. It's my favorite film of all time. I don't have much love at all for the Predator series. I just kinda like a couple of the movies at best.


A  L  I  E  N.



Quote from: Sgarden91 on Oct 19, 2024, 01:14:14 AMAlien by a million miles. It's my favorite film of all time. I don't have much love at all for the Predator series. I just kinda like a couple of the movies at best.

I'm a Predator fan first and I agree with you, the Predator franchise only has a couple of movies that I consider "real" predator films. The original and Predator 2, everything else after that, again imo is just noise.


Predator is a great film which introduced an iconic monster and one of Arnold's best films. I love it and all AVP fans should love it too.

Alien is a cinema masterpiece. The actors, the direction, the music, the sets, the dialogues, the pacing, the creature, the design, the script, the tension, the mystery, the horror... an irrepetibile cinematic event where everything went the best way it could. There is nothing I would change about it and is one of my 3-4 favourite films. It should be studied and analysed for centuries to come.



Quote from: CANNON on Oct 22, 2024, 04:14:19 PM
Quote from: Sgarden91 on Oct 19, 2024, 01:14:14 AMAlien by a million miles. It's my favorite film of all time. I don't have much love at all for the Predator series. I just kinda like a couple of the movies at best.

I'm a Predator fan first and I agree with you, the Predator franchise only has a couple of movies that I consider "real" predator films. The original and Predator 2, everything else after that, again imo is just noise.
Completely agree. I think Alien 79 and Predator 87 are both perfect for their chosen directions. I don't think either franchise ever reached the heights of their first two films, to be honest.



Quote from: Huntsman on Oct 30, 2024, 11:44:37 AM
Quote from: CANNON on Oct 22, 2024, 04:14:19 PM
Quote from: Sgarden91 on Oct 19, 2024, 01:14:14 AMAlien by a million miles. It's my favorite film of all time. I don't have much love at all for the Predator series. I just kinda like a couple of the movies at best.

I'm a Predator fan first and I agree with you, the Predator franchise only has a couple of movies that I consider "real" predator films. The original and Predator 2, everything else after that, again imo is just noise.
Completely agree. I think Alien 79 and Predator 87 are both perfect for their chosen directions. I don't think either franchise ever reached the heights of their first two films, to be honest.

I do agree with you here, there were great sequels but the original films for both properties were exceptional.




Predator is the better action film. there isn't much action in Alien.
I can certainly imagine that a younger audience or newcomers would be more interested in Predator than in Alien.
Plus: Predator has cool weapons and crazy technology.
Not to forget the cool sayings.
AND Winston's design is awesome.

But ALIEN is by far the better film when it comes to film as art.
And that affects all areas.
Likewise the influence on other films. Alien is and remains a classic that you can mention in the same breath as 2001, Star Wars or Jaws while Predator is a really good action film from the eighties, but never has or ever will have the same status as Alien.
All creatures from Alien, whether Facehugger, Chestburster or Big Chap, are groundbreaking and, above all, unrivaled to this day considering their age.
Even Predi can't get there.


Nothing can touch Big Chap.

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