AvPGalaxy's Fan Dictionary

Started by bov930527, Aug 09, 2012, 02:17:25 PM

AvPGalaxy's Fan Dictionary (Read 35,767 times)

Dark Blade1

Dark Blade1

Thanks for those words now I can tell my friends that.

Darkblade 25

Darkblade 25

Thanks for the words when I get the chance I will write them down.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I would like to suggest Stompy as the Alien from Alien Isolation (stolen from member SizzyBubbles).



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 24, 2015, 03:41:23 PM
I would like to suggest Stompy as the Alien from Alien Isolation (stolen from member SizzyBubbles).
I'm for it. I've seen the nickname used on other (non-AvP) forums as well.



I would like to suggest Diablo as an alternative nickname to Anytime aka Jungle Hunter. Diablo just sounds so fitting more so than Anytime since Anna refers to the Hunter as El Diablo, and Jungle Hunter just... sounds so generic.



Quote from: bov930527 on Aug 09, 2012, 02:17:25 PM
Chet (MR)
Definition: The mix of alien and predator in both Alien vs Predator films, the one that pops out of a predator chest in the end of "Alien vs. Predator" and the one that predators fight in "Aliens vs Predator: Requiem". Also referred to as "Pred(-)alien"/"Pred(-)xeno". Origin: Unknown.

I'm pretty sure "Chet" was actually meant to be "Shit". They sound very similar, and with the negative opinions on both movies (especially AvPR) ...

Very creative.



*Thread resurrection

Chet is a character from Weird Science who was turned into a pile of crap.  Also the Predalien from AVPR.  In both references Chet = sh*t.

Original Chet


The Old One

The Old One

Snailien = Crap Alien design, usually referring to the extremely K-Y covered AR design inappropriately repurposed for AVP and AVPR and the EU.

Crabator = Crap Predator design, usually distinguished by "special" mandibles but not unrestricted to plasticy skin and eerily human eyes.



"Crabator" was invented by Voodoo. right?

The Old One

The Old One


The Old One

The Old One

Disnox- the Disney, corporation.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

That's two I created! And to think my Dad said I'd never amount to anything! Take that Dad!!  ;D

Thanks for posting them sis!



Bull Dogator - (coined by SailingRabbit) - A Predator with deformed mandibles that now make it look like a bulldog.

Crabator - (coined by Voodoo Magic) A Predator with broken-looking mandibles, most notably any Predator designed by ADI (i.e., Scar).

Dis-Weyland - (coined by Voodoo Magic) A combination of Disney and Weyland-Yutani.

Disnox - (coined by Voodoo Magic) A combination of Disney and Fox.

The Gorman's Fisherman - (coined by Voodoo Magic and SailingRabbit) A horrifying photoshop edit of Lieutenant Gorman's face and the Gorton's Fisherman.

Stompy - (unknown origin) The Alien in Alien: Isolation, named because . . . it stomps.




Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Nicely done Wabbit!!!

These have still yet to be officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary though...  :'(

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