Isabelle DLC + HQ Map Drop

Started by The Necronoir, Jun 29, 2021, 02:26:54 PM

Isabelle DLC + HQ Map Drop (Read 12,346 times)



Headquarters has a horizontal lift that takes you from the platform at the cliffs edge to the main central HQ location really fast.
Ive still yet to enter the one you spoke about (from below the main structure under the water fall?).

Bug hunt wilson

Bug hunt wilson

I hope that one shot predator comics that take place after predators is canon that would be neat.Also my boy Royce better still be alive.

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: acrediblesource on Jun 29, 2021, 04:57:44 PM
Headquarters has a horizontal lift that takes you from the platform at the cliffs edge to the main central HQ location really fast.
Ive still yet to enter the one you spoke about (from below the main structure under the water fall?).

Yeah, there's a small structure right underneath it with a button to call the lift. And there are actually two horizontal "lifts" on the map - free on each side of the HQ.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks




I think Isabelle class and new Sniper are fine. Its fun to have something different and they aren't much good stats wise... I prefer it like that and not be an overpowered pay to win dlc sniper class, sniper builds are already strong enough on this game.

The new map is cool, I like the design of the environments, enjoyed more than Airstrip. But some locations like that big building can be a nightmare for the Predator, tight indoors locations are terrible.;

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 29, 2021, 06:37:19 PM

Trying to watch this now, but I'm getting terrible buffering issues. Can't watch more than 20 seconds straight without a good 5-10 second load. Giant happen to other YouTube videos, and I've tried multiple devices. Anyone else experiencing this?

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

No issues rewatching here.



Yeah, I've been having the same issues lately



I'd love it if someone would just do a tour of the Stargazer building. I want to see what's in there.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

I can't believe I'm happily looking for lore tapes again. It motivates me to keep playing just like a new level cap would.

But damn, I'm not looking forward to the frustrating feeling again when you find a tape but don't make it to the chopper, and can't take it with you!  >:( :laugh:

Quote from: The Necronoir on Jun 29, 2021, 04:45:56 PM
Just took my time playing a solo private match as Isabelle in the new map. Assorted thoughts and impressions:


  • The voice acting is solid - and great to hear Alice back in the role after so long.

  • The new weapon is really interesting, to say the least. Lined up a head-shot on the first enemy I saw (which happened to be one of the heavy PMCs), only to send him rag-dolling 20 feet through the air. I don't know which of us was more shocked! Seems to function as a hit-scan sniper rifle, but the impact site results in a small plasma caster explosion (complete with sound effect). I can see this decimating a predator in skilled hands. It might take some tweaking to get the balance right.


  • Speaking of decimating predators, if you're going to do it anywhere, it's going to be here! The map is extremely large and almost completely open in the middle. This is due to a combination of very little undergrowth and the bowl-shaped terrain, which funnels everything into the centre.

  • When I say extremely large, I mean almost too large. A lot of it feels quite empty as well, lacking the clutter and other little touches that make the current maps so interesting and distinctly different. The only way I can see this making sense from a game design standpoint is if there is some truth to that rumoured 3 v 12 mode. That would seem about right for a map of this size.

  • The Stargazer HQ is a very peculiar building. Perhaps some of the missions will shed more light on it, but it seems to be drawing and pumping a lot of water from the river it sits over, perhaps for hydro power, or maybe something more nefarious (thinking the nerve agent from existing missions).

  • Having explored the map pretty extensively, I think I've narrowed down the source of my misgivings, which is that it feels very "James Bond". You have a river marina and luxurious treetop accommodation, where Bond would spend the first act sauntering around, having his first veiled interactions with the villain, and probably seducing a few women. Then you have the outlandish "secret lair" perched on top of a waterfall where the infiltration and action would play out, before the whole thing is primed to blow in the final act.

  • Speaking of outlandish, or perhaps otherworldly, the underside of the part that juts out over the waterfall is a suspended elevator entrance, taking you up through a kind of oculus-shaped portal that reminds me very much of the bomb compartment of the juggernaut in Covenant...

That's all from me, for now. Curious to hear what others think.

Nice analysis Nec!

Headquarters is indeed large, magnificently so. It didn't take long to become my favorite map, so I'm not surprised it's become a favorite of the Illfonic crew (something other maps like Airstrip had no shot of doing, at least for me). I found the map pretty wondrous, and dangerous for a FT - those cliffs! :o

I noticed those hydro tubes too. It all made me wonder what those Stargazer bastards are up to in there. Possibly the lore tapes combined with missions will paint a complete picture.

And I hope you're right about that 3 v 12 mode!

Quote from: Samhain13 on Jun 29, 2021, 09:11:35 PM
I think Isabelle class and new Sniper are fine. Its fun to have something different and they aren't much good stats wise... I prefer it like that and not be an overpowered pay to win dlc sniper class, sniper builds are already strong enough on this game.

Yeah, Isabelle, I like her and her gun, but she has some squishy stats. Not recommended unless you're in a solid Fireteam that sticks together and communicates. Dutch can survive in a team not watching each other's back, but not Izzy! (But to be fair, that encompasses the sniper class in general.)

And damn, do I love hearing Alice Braga's voice. My only complaint is sometimes I just want her to say "Stay together Fireteam" and instead she goes into some soliloquy.  :D

Quote from: Sabres21768 on Jun 30, 2021, 10:32:46 AM
I'd love it if someone would just do a tour of the Stargazer building. I want to see what's in there.

I'll try to keep an eye out for you if I see any real good explorations on YouTube. :)



I just hope those bugged OWLF tapes get fixed. I hear some of the are still not yet accessible even though you collected all of the new sets. Damm shame really and its going to be a while until the next hotfix pops up. I just hope new balance fixes is also included, I'm disappointed that there was no patch notes with this despite it being still full of glitches and improper balance mechanics for gameplay. I can still list things that need to be fixed such as pigs only spawning when Fireteam is nearby which is risky for a Predator to go for as even a semi-experience Fireteam can just go to a pig screaming and find a weakened Predator for easy pickings, or new balanced features such as optimized cloaking for better stealth gameplay or the ability for Fireteam to go in a prone position for better sniping and concealment gameplay.

There is still lots to do, I wonder why patch notes are barely non existent this time around?

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: Mr.Turok on Jul 01, 2021, 01:48:38 AM
There is still lots to do, I wonder why patch notes are barely non existent this time around?

My guess would be because the content drops are time-sensitive (ie promised for certain months). Patches can drop any time, so they probably didn't implement much because they were focused on meeting the hard deadline. I'm sure it won't be long until we get more substantial fixes rolled out.



I'm glad they at least fixed a couple of the bigger/more annoying Airstrip bugs, namely the invisible chopper on a certain mission and players spawning all over the place when they're reinforced.

I've only had a change to play the new map once but it seems pretty cool. I like how big and open it seems, and I want to explore the actual HQ building a bit more.

It definitely seems like it's one where both sides are going to have a much tougher time depending on where they are when the fight starts.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: Mr.Turok on Jul 01, 2021, 01:48:38 AM
I just hope those bugged OWLF tapes get fixed. I hear some of the are still not yet accessible even though you collected all of the new sets. Damm shame really and its going to be a while until the next hotfix pops up.

People are obtaining the whole new recording set, so perhaps the bugs (if true) are map dependent. I remember when searching for the first batch back in the day, I always had problems keeping the tapes I found strictly on the Overgrowth map.

Then this day happened  :D

QuoteI can still list things that need to be fixed such as pigs only spawning when Fireteam is nearby which is risky for a Predator to go for as even a semi-experience Fireteam can just go to a pig screaming

Hmm. I have no issues using my Target Isolation and finding Pigs on the map around a Fireteam or miles away. But never gut a pig around a Fireteam. Use your meditation instead.  It's realistic they squeal!  :)

Quote from: Kailem on Jul 01, 2021, 12:34:34 PM
I'm glad they at least fixed a couple of the bigger/more annoying Airstrip bugs, namely the invisible chopper on a certain mission and players spawning all over the place when they're reinforced.

They fixed that back in May, thankfully! 👏



The tape bug is that some of the second round are not unlocking to listen to, but still show as collected. The way around it as of now is to collect all of the tapes, then they'll all be accessible.

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