New Reproduction Cycle

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 27, 2007, 01:01:24 PM

New Reproduction Cycle (Read 14,956 times)



(1) What have Predator genetics got to do with it? Aliens from humans don't have guiant phallic organs on their crotches.  (2) Praetorians are pointless. We would have seen at least one in 'Aliens' and there weren't any.  (3) Yeah, this is more efficient and it fits right in with the concept of what they are. Unfortunately, it contradicts natural Queens. What would be the point of them if any Alien can just move away from the nest and become one of them?

Space Disc Jockey

Space Disc Jockey

Here's my opinion on this new method:  First of all, this regurgitation method makes MUCH more sense, than the egg-morphing idea (which is also neat, but I don't think works for the Alien cycle).   To me, this is just an alternative "face-hugger" and an interesting survival method.  When the Queen is young and not ready to reproduce the masses of eggs through an egg-sac (and assuming there are no other Alien warriors around, at the time), the Queen will run around and quickly plant hosts with embryos that are probably in much more advanced stages, than face-hugger embryos, thus the embryos that are regurgitated will burst faster. The face-huggers have a slower process of "imprenating". but there will MORE of the face-huggers, when the eggs are layed of course. There is an odd balance to all of this new method...

Space Disc Jockey

Space Disc Jockey

So, once the Queen has enough warriors to help construct a hive, she goes into hiding within the hive and matures, thus she becomes full-grown, produces an egg-sac and starts to produce the hundreds to thousands of eggs, which do the process at a slightly slower pace, but at a much grander scale.   Now, when the Queen is running around "regurgitating" the embryos, I think the process of the embryo being created inside of her will be faster than a facehugger, but the time in between the creation of the embryos will probably not be in a matter of minutes, but certainly not as long as human pregancy, for example.  Ok, so again, the Queen quickly creates enough Alien warriors to protect her/create a hive for her to hide in and grow and egg sac. This is a survival tactic that makes sense. This method is far more quicker than a human being turned into an Alien egg, which in my opinion, conflicts the idea of a Queen anyway. The Queen is the ONLY one that should produce the eggs.

Space Disc Jockey

Space Disc Jockey

Now, this molting into a Queen idea...well, if there is no Queen, when there are Alien drones running around, you could argue that's when egg-morphing could occur, but let's not bring that into play for the me, yes, Queens should be born through a chest-burster, (as we have seen in previous movies). In ALIENS, I assumed a Queen was born through a chestburster, which probably bursted out of Newt's father (sure, the chances are low, but there's a chance). I'm hoping that the PredAlien is just a Queen that is "maturing" (molting). I don't like the idea of an Alien warrior, suddenly becoming a Queen, just because there is no Queen present.   Hell, how would this apply to ants and bees? Is there ALWAYS a qeen bee or queen ant born in a hive?



Yeah thats all true...  Well we know that it takes a super-face hugger as seen in the Cut version of Alien 3 to produce a Queen Alien.   As far as we know, its not possible for a normal drone to just become a queen right? (however, would be a cool process to see maybe at the start of a film with all the aliens forming a group and kinda selecting a queen and see what happeneds next?)  But the Aliens would know which egg the queen is in, so all they would have to do is take the human host to that egg.



this reproduction by vomit sounds like low budget straight-to-DVD stuff. I hope it looks better than it sounds



don't remember the rape scene...



Try as you might, there's no way both the new methods can co-exist with what we know. If any adult can transform, there would never be any natural Queens. Adults would imply move out and become one. Likewise, if they can orally implant someone, why were the Nostromo and Fury Aliens doing that? What was preventing them?  It could look really atmospheric on screen, but it makes too many things obselete.  If we don't see 100% proof of it becoming a Queen, we can, however, salvage it. There are ways ot amke it fit, then. The victims being eggs being to crete Queen facehuggers and teh oral method being to create regular adults, for instance.



Why weren't they doing that, even. :)

Zero .T

Zero .T

Sorry zen wish I could tell you, but if I tell you then everybody will know and they will have a chance to buy them before I do.   :'(     :'(  



  :D     ;D   I'm on the website right now!!!!   ;D   It is sooooooooooooooooo cool and awsome. Thanks Zero .T!!!!   ;)     ;D     :D     8)  



From Alien III, Fasano's screenplay of Vincent Ward's story  THE ALIEN CHEST BURSTER  SLITHERS out of Ripley's mouth --  INTO JOHN'S!! Reptilian tail whips about before disappearing down his gullet.  John falls back against a computer console. Gagging.  Fights to speak.  Ripley raises herself up on one elbow. Alien mucous drooling down her chin. Hair matted against her forehead.           RIPLEY       Why?              JOHN       Choking.  It was the only way.  He drops the open book in front of her: She sees the etching.   JOHN  Gulps back the oozing slime. Struggles to his feet.

Space Disc Jockey

Space Disc Jockey

I don't support the egg-morphing method. Remember that the idea was brought up, before Cameron thought of introducing a Queen to the cycle. So, the egg-morphing cycle should be thrown out the window. The method does not fit with the "Alien" characterstic, anyway. Maybe it would work for another type of creature, but certainly not the xenomorphs.   I think Queens should be born as chestbursters, just like the Alien drones/warriors. For an Alien warrior to change sex and start to develop into a Queen, because it can and wants to, does not make sense. Now, if this is something only a PredAlien could do, since it's a "freak", then MAYBE it would be ok. But a normal Alien drone/, no.






Aha! So the PredAlien has acid reflux. Sorry, bad pun. Sounds cool though.

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