AvPGalaxy Alien 5 Podcast

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 04, 2015, 08:42:53 PM

AvPGalaxy Alien 5 Podcast (Read 17,629 times)

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Necro on Mar 05, 2015, 05:49:36 AM
I'll give Blomkamp one thing...he's creating MASSIVE attention for his project and severely ****ing with everyone's minds ...clever b*stard...Thank you Shane Black for clarifying your statements soon and early when you announced Predator 4 instead of being an ahole like Blomkamp about it...

He's been pretty blatant a about it. It's a sequel to Aliens that, by extension, overwrites Alien 3.



Finally heard the podcast.. Just a couple things which I don't agree with. Why the apprehensiveness about an alternative timeline? I know that Star Trek was mentioned in regards to that but for the term "grounded in realism and the mundane" is just... it's to me what "going back to the roots" is for Corporal Hicks. Star Trek actually does have a team of researchers on how these things could be done, so everything they do has a scientific plausibility. Now I'm not saying that should apply to Alien in regards to alternatives. Far from, but it just frustrates me.

Also, you don't need a plot device to explain that something is an alternate timeline or alternate universe. A lot of Science-Fiction franchises out there have them and they don't explain them. So do some horror franchises which are also "grounded in realism and the mundane". I've pointed out to Robocop having alternate timelines or universes, despite having no plot device to explain why these stories are so different from each other. I've also brought up Halloween as well, since that has two different continuities.

Let's go with the Robocop example having alternates. Did it affect anything for that particular franchise as far as storytelling is concerned? Absolutely not. Now, I haven't really visited the Robocop Archive forums lately but I haven't heard much complaints about the Robocop fandom regarding the alternatives without plot devices being used to explain them.

So why the apprehensiveness? Why does it have to be black and white with nothing between?



Quote from: RakaiThwei on Mar 05, 2015, 07:06:49 AM
Finally heard the podcast.. Just a couple things which I don't agree with. Why the apprehensiveness about an alternative timeline? I know that Star Trek was mentioned in regards to that but for the term "grounded in realism and the mundane" is just... it's to me what "going back to the roots" is for Corporal Hicks. Star Trek actually does have a team of researchers on how these things could be done, so everything they do has a scientific plausibility. Now I'm not saying that should apply to Alien in regards to alternatives. Far from, but it just frustrates me.

Also, you don't need a plot device to explain that something is an alternate timeline or alternate universe. A lot of Science-Fiction franchises out there have them and they don't explain them. So do some horror franchises which are also "grounded in realism and the mundane". I've pointed out to Robocop having alternate timelines or universes, despite having no plot device to explain why these stories are so different from each other. I've also brought up Halloween as well, since that has two different continuities.

Let's go with the Robocop example having alternates. Did it affect anything for that particular franchise as far as storytelling is concerned? Absolutely not. Now, I haven't really visited the Robocop Archive forums lately but I haven't heard much complaints about the Robocop fandom regarding the alternatives without plot devices being used to explain them.

So why the apprehensiveness? Why does it have to be black and white with nothing between?


i honestly don't have an answer but it somehow feels if i will betray the franchise. will alien 5 honor the original alien ?? if it does...

OH wait  a minute . thats what alien 3 was about since Cameron f**ked the whole 'visit the sj/engineer civilization' thing up which was turned into Prometheus since no one cared for AR(and they had to go before alien with ridley saying this is my movie and engineer kills sj and franchise mystery) and everyone who voted wanted Ripley clone 8 to come back but they are less than 0.1 percent of the community which leaves the only possible option to to retcon after  aliens.

my idea :

retcon aliens:

remake aliens with ripley being discovered  by a military vessel who has a Squad leader informing her that they are on their way to lv 426. they lost contact with the colonists a few days before. the name of the squad leader : capt Dwayne hicks..........the narcissus is attached to the ship and they cannot return. Ripley comes out of her sleep as the drop ship leaves the military vessel to go down to LV 426. Dwayne hicks remains on the ship with her..............

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Mar 05, 2015, 07:06:49 AM
So why the apprehensiveness? Why does it have to be black and white with nothing between?

Because, at least to me, those Robocop isn't a franchise that I, personally, hold in high regard. Don't get me wrong, whilst I've only seen the remake, I do love Verhoeven but I just don't consider those series' as important as Alien.

The Alien series is a seminal part of cinema history and without the tropes the series created, science-fiction would look different today. "Grounded in realism and the mundane" is specific, it's an actual description of how the films were, not the generic, fanwanky phrase "back to the roots". And it's true. Alien never focused on the wonders of interstellar travel - we weren't glammed by the FTL, other planets weren't a big deal. It was a dirty, shitty spaceship where people argued about pay.

You are entirely correct in that the film doesn't need to address alternate timelines or realities but they're very existence implies the use. And that drags it out of realism for me, by the mere implication.

I know you'll not agree with any of that because of your own preference for your multiverse. But that's where I'm coming from. And like I said, if Alien 3-2 is awesome then I'll be a happy bunny. But a part of me will always be a bit peeved.



I would like to see the Alien go back to the original Giger design also, complete with human-like skull and stinger tail. And, it would be nice to see a good example of human into egg "morphing", as per the Alien cutscene. Also, no more wet looking, extra drippy clear stuff salivating Xenos like in Resurrection. Too much dripping and slobbering. Aside from dealing with the obvious aging of Weaver and Biehn over the last three decades, the only way I can personally see making the new movie fit in with the others would be Ripley dreaming in hypersleep, or a time shift scenario. Or maybe the Ripley that died in A3 was a cloned replacement, and the real Ripley was abducted in cryosleep on board the Sulaco by WeyYu. Maybe WeyYu faked her death (and the alien queen chestburster) through the death of the clone somehow, because other companies had gotten wind of the Xenos existence, and wished to exploit the creatures also.    ???   There is certainly going to be a lot of juggling and innovation to make this new film legitimately fit in to the saga, that's for sure.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Mar 05, 2015, 08:33:12 AM
Because, at least to me, those Robocop isn't a franchise that I, personally, hold in high regard. Don't get me wrong, whilst I've only seen the remake, I do love Verhoeven but I just don't consider those series' as important as Alien.

And that's your opinion and that is fine. I will even agree that Alien has contributed more to film as a whole than Robocop itself. I personally hold Robocop in high regard but that's mostly for nostalgic reasons but as far as contributing to science-fiction and film as a whole, then those accolades would have to go to Alien.

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Mar 05, 2015, 08:33:12 AM
You are entirely correct in that the film doesn't need to address alternate timelines or realities but they're very existence implies the use. And that drags it out of realism for me, by the mere implication.

And this is would be one of those rare times where we agree on something. This could even apply to Predator and AvP. The movie doesn't have to address alternate timelines or realities. A lot of franchises, especially science-fiction franchises do this. Robocop having being among one of them. Other franchises which happen to do this are of course, Highlander, Halloween and most infamously Godzilla. Now.. on screen, in dialogue, and script wise-- as far as I know none of these franchises have addressed openly that there are alternate timelines or even parallel universes. The only exception being the Heisei Godzilla series since Godzilla vs King Ghidorah did involve time travel which retconned Godzilla, Godzilla 1985 and Godzilla vs Biollante out of the Heisei continuity.

But even if a franchise's continuity doesn't address alternate timelines or realities, I don't see how their very existence implies anything that would affect storyline of a particular continuity. It's not like that continuities would be crossing over, that would require a plot device such as cosmic interference or dimensional barriers breaking down requiring the use of a device.

Again, going back to Robocop.. when I watch the source material, the movies.. I don't think of the Marvel-Sunbow, TV Live-Action, Alpha Commando or Robocop comics when I watch the movies. They have no bearing on the continuity or storyline of the movies. Doesn't ruin the realism for me.

And it wouldn't most certainly ruin the realism for Alien, Predator or AvP.

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Mar 05, 2015, 08:33:12 AM
I know you'll not agree with any of that because of your own preference for your multiverse. But that's where I'm coming from. And like I said, if Alien 3-2 is awesome then I'll be a happy bunny. But a part of me will always be a bit peeved.

All I want to do is merely challenge the way the fandom thinks. Sometimes even challenge those in the fandom who have a voice. Most people believe it has to be black or white. I'm saying.. it doesn't have to be.

I've seen fans argue that there are things which are canon or not, and then there is the debate over Blomkamp's word. I've seen this happen similarly with Rodriguez's and Antal's word on PREDATORS. But in the case of Blomkamp, everyone is still confused if this is a retcon or a continuation. Everyone is divided, and that's fine but I see a middle ground. And I want others to also see this middle ground, because assuming what Blomkamp is saying about not undoing Alien 3 and Resurrection is true and what I assume it to be, then that middle ground leads to a path where there is a compromise. An alternative.

I mean.. I understand about being a bit angry. I'm myself am still a little angry about the retconning going through the franchises, especially with Predator. But if Blomkamp's word about not writing out but ignoring Alien 3 and Resurrection, but tying into Prometheus is worth it's weight in any capacity... and if it even indirectly means we have an alternative.. I'm going to take that alternative and be happy with that alternative.

Would you accept a canon that just makes you angry because of changes you don't agree with? Or take an alternative which allows for stories and concepts to legitimately exist in an alternate of sorts and not just personal canon?



Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Mar 05, 2015, 04:40:57 AMHow could he possibly make a film with a living Hicks and Ripley post-Aliens that doesn't contradict 3?

And yet it still hasn't been confirmed Hicks is even in it.



Great episode chaps!



I know you guys are hoping or at least open for another AVP movie, but I am sorry it's just a disaster waiting to happen. Anything done with the concept is going to be terrible. There is one thing you need to consider here. In Predator and Alien movies most of the movie the both creatures are usually hidden. Are both creatures going to do hide the entire time? The movie is probably going to be at least 2 hours long and I am sorry but you can't do much with that little time. The whole point of an Alien and Predator is horror elements and tension. How do you have that with two creatures fighting the entire time? Its just concept that does not work well, especially when you have to cut back to what ever humans are in the carnage. 

Just keep the AVP concept in the Video games. The Franchise would be better off.



I see Omegazilla waves the ADI flag. I to have the ADI flag. Let us build the ADI army.

*ADI flag waving intensifies*

But if WETA did an alien movie OHMYGOD. I'd sure would like to see what they can do given their track-record.



Quote from: SizzyBubbles on Mar 08, 2015, 07:21:33 PM
I see Omegazilla waves the ADI flag. I to have the ADI flag. Let us build the ADI army.

*ADI flag waving intensifies*

ADI for life, sistah.



One of the contributors raised a point that made me pause in my "it's hypersleep dream" rant. Apologies, I can't remember who said it, but the point was "as long as its done well."

That's really kind of key, cos I don't think that I've changed my view on this at all, but I did think that if it's handled poorly, then it really would be... well... poor!

I don't know if that dream sequence is what they will do, but as I say, if its cack-handed, then it could go on to taint whatever they do after that in the film.



Quote from: Spooky799kil on Mar 06, 2015, 12:03:36 AM
I know you guys are hoping or at least open for another AVP movie, but I am sorry it's just a disaster waiting to happen. Anything done with the concept is going to be terrible. There is one thing you need to consider here. In Predator and Alien movies most of the movie the both creatures are usually hidden. Are both creatures going to do hide the entire time? The movie is probably going to be at least 2 hours long and I am sorry but you can't do much with that little time. The whole point of an Alien and Predator is horror elements and tension. How do you have that with two creatures fighting the entire time? Its just concept that does not work well, especially when you have to cut back to what ever humans are in the carnage. 

Just keep the AVP concept in the Video games. The Franchise would be better off.

Read the first comic. It's done very well there and with a distinctly cinematic tone.

The other comics were not so good, but that one was great. Just wish the Aliens were more of a challenge against the Predators in it (and that the Predators had retained their shoulder canons). Tone-wise, though, it's always been one of the better stories.

As for how horror is done in that concept, the answer is both obvious and simple: The actual confrontations are kept to specific key moments. The rest of the time, each species has their own moments against human prey.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I recently did a bit of an article about how to improve the concept on film. If you haven't read it, you can find it here: http://www.avpgalaxy.net/website/articles/you-are-one-ugly-motherfu-my-wishlist-for-the-next-alien-vs-predator-film/



First comic would be a perfect film. Lets have it already.

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